Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham, has praised President Donald Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and thanked God that the United States is "on Your side once again, aligned with the nation and the city on which You have placed Your name."
After Trump announced that America is to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and declared his intention to move the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv, Lotz issued a prayer over the city.
"While our hearts are overflowing with humble gratitude for Your amazing grace, we also know that Your great heart of love still longs to pour out Your blessing on the city and the people that You have uniquely chosen as Your own: Jerusalem. The House of Israel. The Jews," the founder of AnGel Ministries wrote.
Lotz said that "evil seems to be unrestrained" in this "present worldwide climate," as "nations are unraveling, wars are raging, arms deals are being struck behind the closed doors of our enemies." This "turmoil and agitation," she said, is a sure "reflection of the warfare being waged in the invisible realm."
Yet in the darkness, "we have experienced an explosion of light," Lotz said.
"President Trump has affirmed America's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital! He has vowed to move our embassy there! Thank You for all the work You have done behind the scenes to bring this to a decision. While the enemies of Your people may rage, we rejoice, because we understand that in our blessing of Israel, we will be blessed! We suddenly find ourselves on Your side once again, aligned with the nation and the city on which You have placed Your name."
Lotz encouraged Christians to take a break from the busyness of the Christmas season and "join together with one heart and one voice to pray to thank You for the president's decision and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem."
The president's policy shift was applauded by Israel, but condemned across the Arab and Islamic world, as Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.
Following the announcement, Palestinian secular and Islamist factions called for a general strike and rallies to protest. According to reports, clashes subsequently erupted in the occupied West Bank and over the Israeli-Gaza border, where one Palestinian was killed.
In her prayer, Lotz asked that the "ancient prince of the Persian kingdom and every other demonic force vowing to come against Your City be bound and rendered powerless in the face of the hosts of heaven" and that more threats would not materialize.
"We ask that You use President Trump's decision to encourage Israel's leaders and her citizens while putting her enemies on notice that America has her back," she prayed. "We ask that You bless President Trump. Thank You for his courage. His boldness. His leadership in the world. Make his enemies, both here and abroad, to be at peace with him."
The Republican Jewish Coalition also praised the president for his announcement, and Malcolm Hoenlein, president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said Trump was doing "the right thing."
"When President Trump visited the Western Wall and made a declaration recognizing Jerusalem as holy to the Jews after the denunciation of UNESCO, there was not even one warm-up, not one demonstration, because when you do the right thing, you do not have to ask questions, you just do it," Hoenlein said, according to the Jerusalem Post.