Android M 6.0 Marshmallow and Android N Release Dates for LG G5, G4, G3, G2, G Stylo, and V10 on T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, US Cellular, and AT&T


When it comes to the Android Operating System, the latest version can be slow to come to even the newest of Android phones.  This is the case of Android version 6.0, otherwise known as Android M or Marshmallow, and the just announced Android N.  This is the latest news about Android M Version 6.0 Marshmallow and Android N Release Dates for LG G5, G4, G3, G2, G Stylo, and V10 on T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, US Cellular, and AT&T. 

So, as far as the LG family is concerned, the company was very good about putting the upgrade out for its customers.  In fact, they probably got it out first, after the Google Nexus had it.  The LG G5, the new flagship that was announced at Mobile World Congress (MWC) last February, has it right out of the packaging. 

As for the LG G4, it looks like all carriers have the Marshmallow upgrade out now.  It was that phone that is would be the standard setter, and all of the other phones after it are getting it too. 

This goes for the LG G3, which is still pretty popular.  It sounds like this particular smartphone had its Android M downloads taken care of as of last April. 

This is the case for the also popular LG V10, in both the International edition as well as the United States versions for Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T.  It should be going out to US Cellular and AT&T, assuming that it hasn't come already. 

What about the LG G Flex 2?  There is word that it will be coming, but Tech Radar says there is "no official word", but the LG G4c has it.  The LG G4 Stylo is getting the upgrade, as well as the LG G Pad X8.3. 

The best advice that one can give is if you have a newer LG Android device, it would be worth your while to check the "Settings" menu along with the "System Update" to see if the upgrade is available.  It looks like things are progressing very well for LG, and it shouldn't take long before all of the newer devices have Android M on all carriers, assuming that it isn't already. 

A recent report from Know Your Mobile mentioned the possibility of Android N coming to at least the LG G5.  Considering that Android Marshmallow arrived for the LG G4 last December 2015, we can probably expect a repeat of that pattern.  This would mean that Android N would arrive for the LG G5 sometime in December, hopefully as an early Christmas present.  We will have to see if that is true, and it will probably take until later in 2017 before Android M comes to older Android devices.