Ann Coulter Claims 'Media Lied About Donald Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter'

Ann Coulter
While Ann Coulter is promoting her new book, "In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!" she is accusing the Washington Post and other media reprsentatives about lying about Donald Trump's proposed mockery of a newspaper reporter with physical disabilities. newfoxes

Author of the newly released book "In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!" Ann Coulter, insists American broadcasters and media representatives invented a lie about GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump making fun of a reporter with disabilities. She specifically accuses the Washington Post staff of smearing the Republican nominee. Most of her defense is that she said Trump does an "arm-waving routine" whenever he's pretending to be a flustered person of any type.

Coulter is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer. She appears on television, radio and as a public speaker.

Coulter's comments about a proposed lie regarding Trump's intent with reporter Serge Kovaleski last November coincide with her publicity emphasis that she's devoted a whole chapter of her new book to the ordeal.

Kovaleski suffers from a chronic muscular disease that affects his arm movement. Trump, while at a campaign stop in Myrtle Beach, S.C., was discussing an article written by Kovaleski, a former Washington Post reporter about the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The article was at the center of attention of comments by Trump saying that Muslims in New Jersey had celebrated the attacks. "A nice reporter. Now, the poor guy, you gotta see this guy. 'Oh, I don't know what I said, I don't remember,'" Trump said while waving and bending his arms into crooked positions.

Kovaleski is a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter who now works for the New York Times. The times released a statement stating that Trump's comments were "outrageous," and his comments have drawn negative reaction in various news outlets.

Coulter claims the Washington Post "exploited" Kovaleski's disability. "It was perfectly obvious that Trump was not mimicking any disability that Serge has, but I didn't have the smoking gun to prove that the media were lying and knew they were lying. Now we have it. A group called Catholics 4 Trump has posted a video clip of another part of that same speech, in which Trump imitates a flustered general. Guess what? He does the exact same arm flailing," she said.

"In another speech, Trump pretended to be a timorous Ted Cruz. Again, he does the exact same arm flailing. Neither the general nor Cruz is disabled. If a jury ever saw these videos, it would acquit Trump immediately. Trump's impression of a groveling reporter is just like his imitation of a groveling general and just like his imitation of a groveling U.S. senator. He's like Rich Little that way: All his impressions look the same."

Coulter alleges that media outlets chose not to show these other video clips, which, she claims, is proof the lies. She also states the Washington Post deleted an a comment from an online poster that included the Catholics 4 Trump clip.