Apple iOS 10.3.2 Update Affects Select iPhone Users With Battery Issues

iOS 10
Security researchers have discovered bug in iOS 10.1 and iOS 10.1.1 that allowed anyone to bypass the activation lock of the iOS device. The vulnerability in the iOS 10.1 was already patched on Nov. 16 while the upcoming iOS 10.2 update will resolve the issue in the iOS 10.1.1. iPhoneDigital / Flickr

So, you have updated your iPhone to the latest iOS 10.3.2 update, and wished that everything had gone on swimmingly after doing so. However, things do not seem to be what they are, with your handset experiencing battery issues. What are your available options right now to remedy the situation if you have been affected?

Some users were not too happy with the iOS 10.3.2 update after installing it on their iPhones, citing a drop in battery performance. The affected users do seem to be iPhone owners only, as iPad and iPod touch owners being relatively happy with what they have received and experienced so far. At least, there were no similar complaints at all coming from this particular user group that we know of. Apple’s official Support Communities site have received complains that their respective devices are currently experiencing battery-drain problems after making the jump to the latest iOS 10.3.2 update.

One user mentioned on the Support Communities site, “I have a badly battery drain in my iPhone 5s using iOS 10.3.2 please tell me what I should do?” This particular bug does seem to affect the battery by letting it experience a loss of anywhere from 10 to 20 per cent, and a report by Forbes has seemingly confirmed such an issue. iPhone users who are not too savvy with what version of iOS that their respective handset runs on can always check their ‘Software Update’ tab under Settings to see whether they would like to make the jump to the latest iOS 10.3.2 update, if they have not done so already. To those affected, either pick up a new battery or perform a downgrade.

In a Reddit thread that asked whether the iOS 10.3.2 update is battery safe or not, many people did reply that they did not run into any kind of untoward issues, continuing to enjoy anywhere from 8 to 10 hours of battery life. There was one iPhone 6 owner in that Reddit thread that mentioned how the iPhone 6 actually turned off at 15 per cent during the charging process, passing from 45 per cent to 15 percent after making the update. That user then proceeded with a downgrade in order to solve the issue, while others chipped in that it is most probably a battery issue since it is indeed an abnormal case. Well, major iOS updates have had a track record of affecting the battery life on installed devices in the past, so it is not surprising to hear that the same is happening right now again. However, it does seem as though this is a very contained problem, and since it has not affected the iPhone community in a widespread manner, chances are Apple is not going to do much about it.

We do know that Apple seeded the iOS 10.3.2 to Public Beta testers in March earlier this year, and officially introduced the latest iOS 10.3.2 update eligible not too long after that. With the iOS 10.3.2 update, it catered for the iPhone 5 and newer, the 4th generation iPad and newer, as well as the 6th generation iPod touch (of course, we are still waiting with bated breath as to whether Apple thinks that working on the 7th generation iPod touch would be the equivalent of flogging a dead horse). The iOs 10.3.2 update supposedly arrived with a slew of security patches and bug fixes as expected,with Apple’s security update page itself making mention of bug fixes that will cater to the likes of Safari, AVE Video Encoder, CoreAudio, iBooks, IOSurface, kernel and WebKit-related fixes, among others.