Apple iOS 9.1, 9.2, 9.2.1, 9.3 Jailbreak Release Update; When Will it Be Available for Anything Above iOS 9.0.2?

Jailbreaking iOS 9.2
Jailbreaking, an Apple pastime.  Pangu

There isn't really anything new on the Jailbreaking front this week.  To those that wish to jailbreak their iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, removing Apple's software restrictions, not only is it recommended that you know what you are doing as far as the technical aspects are concerned, but if you have iOS 9.0.2, you shouldn't upgrade.  It appears that Apple is currently winning the jailbreak wars as they have patched the vulnerabilities of iOS 9.1, 9.2, and 9.2.1.  Jailbreakers are hoping for some secret weapon to arise, but nothing has happened so far. 

According to Neurogadget, if you are looking to downgrade from iOS 9.1 to 9.0.2, you can't.  Apple even released a document where they confirmed that two vulnerabilities found by the Pangu team, a popular jailbreaker, have been patched.  There is apparently some browser-based jailbreak for both iOS 9.1 and 9.2, but the developer didn't release it.  Then, one of Pangu's partners, 3K Assistant, posted an announcement saying that the team is working on the iOS 9.2 jailbreak and it will be available soon, and then the announcement was taken down immediately. 

About the time when the iOS 9.2.1 beta was released to developers, another jailbreaking team known as TaiG said they managed to jailbreak both iOS 9.2 and 9.1.  This was broken by Luca Tedesco, who is starting to be seen as a hero amongst jailbreakers.  In fact, Luca has stated and shown via YouTube video that he jailbroke iOS 9.3, and it hasn't even been released out of beta just yet. 

Unfortunately, he chose not to release this jailbreak tool to the public, so I guess he is kind of a hero of legend.  Yes, it seems odd for this programmer to say that he could do something and then not reveal it to the public, but apparently he wanted to show Apple that there are vulnerabilities in their system.  This did provoke Apple to stop signing iOS 9.2, so users that upgraded to the 9.2.1 version will need to wait until iOS 9.3 will be officially released. 

At this point, the whole Apple and jailbreaking conflict feels like some epic struggle that I would watch in a movie, like the Rebels vs. the Imperials in Star Wars (or The Resistance vs. The First Order in the newest film).  The only difference is that I haven't figured out who the bad guys are.  Perhaps a better metaphor for this conflict is Game of Thrones, where there are houses feuding all the time.  In the case, TaiG and Pangu would be the major players in the Apple Westros world, but Gotta Be Mobile talks about some interesting new developers that could change the scene. 

However, the point is that jailbreaks seem to happen when they happen, and programmers can get lucky and beat "the big Apple".  If iOS 9.3 has been jailbroken in beta, then I don't see why jailbreaking developers can't work until they crack it.  They have done so in the past.