Aquaman Movie Update: Mera Photo Spotted, Amber Heard Looks Stunning

Meet Mera, the Queen of the Sea
Amber Heard's Mera is certainly sexy and intriguing, appearing in the upcoming Aquaman movie. @realamberheard on Twitter

Aquaman director James Wan shared a new shot of Amber Heard who will wear the green outfit of Mera, the love interest of Aquaman in the comics. Touted to be the ‘Queen of the Sea’, will it be she who will rule Aquaman’s heart, and in proxy, the seas as well? This particular costume does have its differences from the Justice League look that Mera will don. Then again, that is far from surprising since ladies, regardless of whether they are above water or have specially adaptable bodies to live 20,000 leagues under the sea, have a weakness for fashion. Why dress shabbily when you are able to save the world looking your very best? Wan captioned in his tweet that you can see below, "Lady MERA swept in from the sea. First day with the exquisite Amber Heard."

Amber heard was seen in the shared photo wearing an outfit that the Duggars simply will not approve, appearing with long, sea-soaked tresses that are red in color. In fact, the Mera represented by Heard here does seem to look as though she hails directly from the comic book itself. Jason Mamoa will play her love interest as Aquaman in the standalone feature movie that will be part of the DC Extended Universe.

Heard does seem to be thrilled by immersing (pardon the pun) herself in the role. In fact, Heard tweeted a photo of herself being comfortable in the makeup chair on the first day of shooting, providing said photo with the caption, "Over a year of prep, 6 months of training, & countless hrs of denying myself pleasure, aka donuts, has led to this moment." I suppose it does take a considerable effort that borders on superhero levels to work out and obtain such a stunning body. Her Justice League set photo is certainly more edgy and less refined in a sense, perhaps foreshadowing a far darker threat at hand which explains the more battle-ready look.

This sexy looking photo of Amber Heard, complete with a cleavage that threatens to result in a wardrobe malfunction, has led to questions as to whether Aquaman himself will appear in the traditional green-and-yellow tights that the comic character is often portrayed in. At this point in time, the presentation of Aquaman in Mamoa image points to a bearded character, with tattoos all over the place while preferring to walk around shirtless to show off his sculpted abs, is a total departure from the comic version that is often seen to be blonde and does not sport a beard or other facial hair.

Mera is able to form "hard water" objects, while possessing super strength and other kinds of powers which have allowed her to survive while under water. In fact, she has been depicted in the comics before to be able to control large amounts of water for a moment, sending a whole army out to sea. She is well trained to be an infiltrator and an assassin, but she has an all too human weakness -- that of mental insanity. With such powers at her disposal, it would be unwise to cross this lady.

It will still be some time before Aquaman hits the movie theaters, as we are looking at a December 2018 release date. Assuming no Star Wars-related movie appears then, and depending on how well Wonder Woman performs at the box office this summer, it would be interesting to see just what kind of reception that Aquaman is set to experience. Will it overwhelm movie goers like a tidal wave, or will it retreat from the coast with a whimper? Only time will be able to tell.