At 70 Years Old, John Piper Takes Inspiration from Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton to do Great Things

John Piper
John Piper

Theologian John Piper is commending presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump for trying hard to take on the highest political position in the U.S. despite their age. This is why for Piper, who's already 70 years old, reaching one's senior age should not automatically translate to retirement.

In an article published in the website, Piper noted that technically, the three presidential candidates are already past the traditional retirement age. The youngest one out of the three is Clinton at 68 followed by Trump at 69. Sanders, on the other hand, is already 74 years old.

However, despite their age, these individuals still have the drive to strive to be the U.S. next leader. He also cited other notable individuals who were able to do great things even though they were already over the age of 70. These include former U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who, at age 76, demanded Soviet Union leader Mikhael Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.

Piper also praised John Glenn, the oldest person who was able to go to space when he was 77 years old.

According to Piper, the determination showed by these individuals inspired him to continue with his work in spreading the teachings of Christ even though he's already 70 years old. He then called for the millions of Baby Boomers in the country to find or continue their passions in life instead of just simply retiring.

"Billions of dollars are spent every year trying to get us to waste the last chapter of our lives on leisure," he wrote. "I'm spending one afternoon to plead with the rising 70-somethings: Don't waste it."

He then said that his work as a servant of the Lord is far greater than the responsibilities of the presidential aspirants.

"They only get to be president of a tiny territory called the United States," he wrote. "I get to be an ambassador of the Sovereign of the universe. They only get to change the way some people live for a few decades. I get to change the way some people live forever - with a lot of good spill-over for this world in the process."