'Beauty and the Beast': Majority of Faith-Driven Consumer Refusing to See Film Over Gay Character

Beauty and the Beast
Dan Stevens and Emma Watson star in Disney's live action remake of 'Beauty and the Beast.' Disney's decision to include a gay character in its "Beauty and the Beast" remake isn't sitting well with Christian audiences - to say the least.  Photo: Disney

Disney's decision to include a gay character in its "Beauty and the Beast" remake isn't sitting well with Christian audiences - to say the least.

A new report by Faith Driven Consumer (FDC) has revealed that the majority of consumers - 95 percent in fact - whose faith influences their decisions will not buy tickets to see the film due to the inclusion of a gay character.

FDC says 58% of the 6,700 people polled believe the "primary motivation" behind Disney's decision to include this "gay moment" in the film is to "normalize homosexuality."

Says the organization: "there are many complex realities in the world that Faith Driven Consumers simply do not wish to have addressed with their children via entertainment, especially in a family movie."

The group also found that 94 percent of faith-driven consumers are less likely to spend money to see any Disney film in general due to the inclusion of this gay character.

The "Beauty and the Beast" remake, which stars Dan Stevens and Emma Watson, features a character who experiences same-sex attraction to the film's villain, Gaston.

"LeFou is somebody who on one day wants to be Gaston and on another day wants to kiss Gaston," movie director Bill Condon said of the character, according to the Los Angeles Times.

"He's confused about what he wants," Condon continued. "It's somebody who's just realizing that he has these feelings. And Josh makes something really subtle and delicious out of it. And that's what has its payoff at the end, which I don't want to give away. But it is a nice, exclusively gay moment in a Disney movie."

The inclusion of a gay character has sparked backlash among many int he Christian community; Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham, warned that Disney is attempting to "normalize" same-sex relationships by featuring them in films made primarily for children.

"They're trying to push the LGBT agenda into the hearts and minds of your children-watch out!" he cautioned. "Disney has the right to make their cartoons, it's a free country. But as Christians we also have the right not to support their company. I hope Christians everywhere will say no to Disney."

The 64-year-old evangelist added that he, along with his brother and father, met Walt Disney many years ago: "He would be shocked at what has happened to the company that he started," Graham said.

A petition started by the conservative group American Family Association urging Disney to "make more family friendly movies that do not push the gay agenda on our children" has received over 50,000 signatures.

"Homosexual behavior is unhealthy and unnatural," reads the petition, in part. "It is irresponsible and careless of Disney to promote such an agenda in a movie designed and marketed to children."