Bill de Blasio: New York City Bathroom, Locker Room Use Now Based On Gender Identity, Not Sex

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio signed an executive order Monday that guarantees all people access to the city's single-sex facilities that align with their gender identity, without having to show identification or proof of gender. "In New York City, we value diversity. We welcome everyone. We respect the rights of all -- regardless of religion, immigration status, sexual orientation...or gender identity," declared the mayor.

"Access to bathrooms and other single-sex facilities is a fundamental human right that should not be restricted or denied to any individual," de Blasio said. "Every New Yorker should feel safe in our city -- and this starts with our city's buildings."

New York City Transgender Bathrooms
New York City Transgender Bathrooms New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio

"Bathrooms are now safer for transgender New Yorkers," proclaimed the True Colors Fund, a group that works to end homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. True Colors representatives indicated this new executive order will allow the 25,000 transgender and gender nonconforming New Yorkers to access the bathroom that corresponds with their gender, no questions asked.

Not all New York residents are comfortable with this concept or arrangement, however. Aaron Bible, posting on the mayor's Facebook page, stated:  "If all that is required for me to be 'trans-gender' is to simply identify as that gender, I'm looking forward to exclusively using women's restrooms for no other reason but to exploit this Executive Order."

Another online commenter, Etcher Small, called de Blasio "such a one-term mayor."

"Why would you sign a bill to put women and children as risk when using public restroom? Anyone can pretend to identify themselves as the opposite sex to enter the restrooms to either rape or rob someone. That's the most foolish bill ever sign in the history of NYC. How would you like if your daughter was using the restroom and a man enter pretending to be a woman and rape your daughter. Did you sit and think about this? I am praying that the governor overturns your stupid decision," stated Small.

The executive order applies to all City-owned buildings, including city offices, public parks and playgrounds, pools, recreation centers and public museums. The order does not apply to New York City public schools, as there is already a policy protecting students' rights to use facilities consistent with their gender identity.

Furthermore, the order requires City agencies to:  Post the new single-sex facility policy in conspicuous locations for employees and members of the public to see within three months; Train managers on the policy within one year and frontline staff within two years; Update agency Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plans to incorporate training requirements within three months; Report steps taken to comply with today's executive order to the Department of Citywide Administrative Services pursuant to EEO reporting requirements.

Maria Veramendi said on social media that some people are talking about how concerned they are about their kids and grandkids. "Teach them respect and to accept others since we all different ... bully in the making."