Billy Graham Reveals 'Most Important' Thing Every Christian Needs to Remember About Satan

Billy Graham
Billy Graham is the founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Famed evangelist Billy Graham has said that while it's important to remember that Satan is "very powerful", God is infinitely more powerful - and has already defeated the devil.

In an advice column published this week by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the 98-year-old Baptist pastor first emphasized that the devil is not as powerful as God - nor will he ever be.

"In fact, some day his power will come to an end, and in the final battle of the ages he will be defeated forever. The Bible says, 'And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur ... for ever and ever' (Revelation 20:10)."

While there is much about the devil that God hasn't revealed to us - and we don't know why evil seems to flourish - He does tell us two very important truths, Graham contended.

First, although he isn't as powerful as God, the devil is still very powerful, and we must never take him lightly.

"His goal is to block God and His plans - and he will use every trick and every scheme he possibly can to deceive us and turn us away from God. The Bible calls him a 'roaring lion looking for someone to devour' (1 Peter 5:8)," Graham said.

Second, Satan is a defeated foe, the pastor said.

"When Jesus Christ was put to death on the cross, His enemies thought they had defeated Him - and so did Satan. But His resurrection from the dead proved the opposite! Instead, by His death and resurrection Christ conquered sin and death and Hell and Satan. And some day that victory will be complete, and Christ will come again in glory."

It's important to not focus on the world and its evils, but on Jesus Christ, Graham concluded.

In a survey conducted last year, Gallup found that while nearly 90 percent of Americans believe in God, only 61 percent believe in Satan.

"Gallup asked the question that includes the 'not sure about' option in random rotation with questions about belief in four other religious concepts: angels, Heaven, Hell and the devil," reported Gallup.

"Americans' belief in all of these is lower than their belief in God, ranging from 72 percent who say they believe in angels to 61 percent who say they believe in the devil, with 12 percent unsure on both. Belief in these four concepts is down at least marginally from when last measured in 2007, following the same pattern as the trend in belief in God using this question format."

Last year, Graham warned that the devil is very real - and people should not be fooled into thinking otherwise.

"I also know Satan is real by looking at the world around me, and even within my own heart. How else can we explain terrorism, or racism, or injustice, or a hundred other examples of evil and destruction and brokenness?" said Graham. "Satan, the Bible tells us, 'was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him' (John 8:44)."