As speculations abound that Bobbi Kristina's family has decided to take her off life support, Bobbi's partner Nick Gordon on Saturday issued a public plea on Twitter to ask if he can be allowed to be by her side, probably sensing there is some truth to the rumors.
Perhaps Nick Gordon wanted to spend time with Bobbi Kristina during her final moments.
However, PerezHilton reported that Bobby Brown's legal counsel quickly issued a statement explaining that the family was not fully against Nick visiting Bobbi but insisted he has to comply with certain conditions they had set.
But Nick countered that even if he complies with the conditions, there was still no assurance he would be able to see Bobbi.
Nick's lawyer issued this statement, "Bobby Brown has consistently prohibited Nick, who Bobbi Kristina would want by her side, from being there. Per his own words, Mr. Brown has only 'offered an opportunity to potentially meet with Bobbi Kristina' if Nick were to meet certain conditions, conditions that we, his attorneys, have advised him not to meet, particularly in light of Mr. Brown's inability to guarantee access. But in an effort to do all he can to visit, Nick has repeatedly offered to meet with Mr. Brown privately to discuss his request in person, rather than through lawyers. Those offers have also been rejected. We hope Mr. Brown has a change of heart."
The past days, there have been wild and vicious reports that Bobbi's father Bobby, and her aunt Pat Houston, the appointed legal guardians, have made a decision to remove her from life support after accepting and making peace that the 22-year-old may not recover as they had hoped for, said Vine Report.
Indeed, family members have been summoned to say their goodbyes to Bobbi Kristina, the report added.
To recall, Bobbi Kristina was found unconscious with her face down in her bathtub in January 3 this year. She had been on comatose ever since and is surviving on life support.
As co-guardians, Bobby Brown and Pat Houston must agree on the medical care of Bobbi Kristina. Neither one could make a unilateral decision whether to keep the 22-year-old daughter of the late Whitney Houston on life support, or to remove her from it.
Meanwhile, Bobbi Kristina's cousin Jerod Brown is mobilizing social media users to use the #GetReadyBK to rally behind his cousin.
This is in addition to the #PrayforBK that has been circulating since her hospitalization.
Jarod said that the hashtag represented his cousin's last words to him and is meant to inspire people with its positive message.
"Last thing she told me was 'Get Ready Cousin'! Get ready for a beautiful future we was working toward. Something in my spirit is confirming my lil cousin is in position for a blessing. To everyone who is in need of change, know this is your moment! Its not over Bobbi Kris, its almost time to share your testimony! #GetReadyBK," he said on his Facebook account.
Inquisitr, citing reports People magazine, claimed that the Brown family, as well as Cissy and Pat Houston, have denied reports they have made a decision to pull the plug off Bobbi Kristina's life support, although the families have confirmed that the young girl is "not progressing" and suffered "irreversible brain damage."
The report added that Bobby Brown is fuming with the media for "waiting for his daughter to die." Bobby Brown is reported to be focusing on the recovery of her daughter.