Carly Fiorina, the 61-year old former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and head of the nonprofit organization, Good360, is a name that is starting to make noise in the selection of the Republican nominee for US Presidential race 2016, as many reacted, positively and negatively, on her stands regarding some hot issues in the society today, especially her stand against Planned Parenthood. Fiorina is a self-proclaimed Christian, who believes that "people of sincere faith make better leaders," as was stated in a Christian Post report. In her official website, she also mentioned that "What you are is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God," is an essential lesson that she has learned from her mother. Although she was not a regular churchgoer, she firmly believes that without her personal relationship with Jesus Christ, she could not have endured the death of her step-daughter and having to go through breast cancer treatment.
Fiorina, in her campaigns, is pushing a general notion that it is time for citizens to step up and not leave the White House to career politicians.
"Our founders never imagined a government led by career politicians. It's time to put a citizen leader in the White House," is the slogan that is displayed on her official presidential campaign website.
"Our nation was intended to be a citizen government. Somehow we've come to this place in our nation's history where we think we need a professional political class. I don't believe that, and I will tell you, as I've been out there across the country, people don't believe that either. They're kinda tired of the political class, and they believe we need to return to a citizen government," this is Fiorina's statement in an interview on "Good Morning America," reported by Yahoo! News.
Fiorina, when asked about the controversial Planned Parenthood issue, showed great disagreement to the people who lobby for this law to be passed. In a report by The Hill, Fiorina referred to the videos released by an anti-abortion group during the GOP debate discussion on the issue.
"Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. This is about the character of our nation, and if we will not stand up and force President Obama to veto this bill, shame on us," Fiorina stated in The Hill report. In the interview report of Christianity Today, Fiorina shared her experience that made her stand against Planned Parenthood and killing babies to harvest human parts.
"Several years later, I learned I was not able to have children of my own, so I learned in a whole other way that life is a precious gift. I've learned over and over again in my life that every person has potential, that everyone has God-given gifts regardless of their circumstances-usually far more than they realize," Fiorina stated in the CT interview. This statement came after she explained how she witnessed the abortion of her friend's baby, her husband being a near victim of abortion, and her not being able to have her children.

Carly Fiorina believes that people of sincere faith makes better leaders.
On the legalization of Marijuana, Fiorina shared on "Good Morning America" her interaction with her doctor during one of her cancer treatment on legalizing marijuana.
"We don't know what marijuana is anymore. It's a chemically complex compound, we don't know how it interacts with other drugs, we just don't understand this anymore," Fiorina repeated her doctor's statement in a Yahoo! News report. Fiorina went on to say that if we legalize marijuana recreationally, it is like "sending a signal to the young people that marijuana is just like beer, and it's not.