Chelsea Crockett, Christian Youtube Guru, Shares Her Testimony To Her More Than 1 Million Subscribers

Chelsea Crockett
Chelsea Crockett has been a Youtuber for more than five years, and now she is using the popular service to spread her faith to her followers. Twitter

She has more than 1.5 million in her Youtube Channel, and in the five years that she has been a guru in her "BeautyLiciousInsider" channel, she has had more than 181 million views. Chelsea Crockett describes herself on her Facebook page as a writer, YouTuber, speaker and Christian on a mission to serve and love.

Chelsea Crockett has amassed millions of views on Youtube as she shared videos on fashion, makeup and the like. Now at 18, she is doing much more than just give advice on the latest fashion and makeup trends. In her video Christian Testimony - God, YouTube And Lots Of Tears - Chelsea Crockett, she shares how God has changed her life for the better.

"The world has a will for your life, and that's to make it all about YOU. But what you'll find if you walk with Christ, the more you devote your being to him.. He reveals HIS will for your life which far exceeds this world's plan for you. In your pursuit to be full, if you live by the world you could be given "everything" it offers, but still feel empty at the end of the day. In order to fulfill God's calling on your life.. including who you surround yourself with, what job you pursue, romantic relationships, and every single aspect of your life, you have to devote yourself to the daily renewal of your mind in Christ. It's a daily walk to abandon your desires for His. What you think drives what you feel, and what you feel drives what you do. So, this is why the daily renewal of our minds is so important. In scripture it says "by testing you may discern the will of God". If we all truly believed God's will for our lives is good, pleasing, and perfect, imagine all the awakenings that would take place across the world. If you want to know what God's will is for your life, you have to devote yourself to learning about His character, His relationships, and how He made decisions. Then you will be able to make more clear choices that will lead to fulfilment in Christ."