Chip Gaines Reveals 'Biggest Mistake' He Ever Made on 'Fixer Upper'

Chip Gaines
Chip Gaines stars in "Fixer Upper" and recently released his new book, "Capital Gaines - Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff." Instagram

"Fixer Upper" star Chip Gaines revealed the "biggest mistake" he ever made on the reality show during a recent interview with Good Housekeeping.

"Hands down, the time I misunderstood Jo's direction and demoed the wrong wall," explained the 42-year-old reality star. "I took that thing down all the way to the studs before I realized what I'd done."

Thankfully, Chip and his wife and "Fixer Upper" co-star Joanna were able to work together to resolve the problem.

"I've never been so glad that Jo doesn't hold a grudge!" Chip said.

The "Capital Gaines: Smart Stuff I've Learned Doing Stupid Stuff" author also reflected on the time he tried to surprise Joanna by putting "maroon grout with a cream stone backsplash."

"Let's just say I had to rip it all out and start over," he admitted.

Other times, however, his impulsive decisions worked out. He shared how one time, he was convinced there was original brick underneath old drywall in a house, so he tore it off while Joanna was away from the job site. He was relieved to discover that he was right -- the original exposed brick went all the way up to the ceiling.

"I was so nervous for Jo to see what I'd gone rogue for, not knowing if she'd love it or hate it, but lucky for me she loved it," he says.

But whatever the project they tackle, Chip and Jo use high-quality products to ensure their clients love their "fixer upper."

"One of the biggest lessons Jo and I learned early on was to make sure we were doing right by our clients and using high quality products for every part of a renovation," he says. "That's why partnering with KILZ Primers was a no-brainer for me - we're both dedicated to doing things the right way, and giving people the ability to transform their home."

On Tuesday, Chip and Jo announced their hit show will end after a successful five seasons. 

"We would be foolish to think we can go and go and fire on all cylinders and never stop to pause," they said. "Our family is healthy and our marriage has honestly never been stronger. This has nothing to do with a fraudulent skincare line or anything else you'll inevitably read. This is just us recognizing that we need to catch our breath for a moment."

In their time off, Chip and Jo will "shore up and strengthen the spots that are weak, rest the places that are tired and give lots of love and attention to both our family and our businesses."

The Christian couple said they are "really, really proud of season 5," as they "laid it all on the field and didn't hold anything back."

In addition to parenting four children, Chip and Joanna spend the majority of the time working alongside each other, whether it's flipping houses, designing a bakery, or writing a book.

"Just really weigh on each other's strengths and try not to cross over into each other's lanes," Chip said of working together. "That was one thing that I learned pretty early on is that ... I am a big creative by nature so I was always stepping in her universe and I was always thankful she wasn't micromanaging my side of the business so it worked, but I would come in and have these bold opinions about everything ... And then after about a year of sort of wrestling with each other like that, I realized A: I wasn't as good at it as I thought I was, so that was a problem, and then B: Why not let her really go for it in her way?"

Jo encouraged other couples to remember that if working alongside a spouse isn't a natural fit for them, have a third party come in and help, and show each other grace.

"Get a mediator, get a designer ... If you can't figure it out bring in someone that will help so you don't end up ending your marriage," said Jo, who later added, "And allow yourself room to make mistakes. We always allow on every budget, we have a side, 10 percent contingency as I may pick the wrong pink color. Just always have it so it's not the end of the world and you're not so stressed out."