Christian Author Randy Alcorn Releases Comic Book on Story of Rich Man and Lazarus

By Lauren Leigh Noske

Christian author Randy Alcorn has just released “Eternity,” his first graphic novel illustrating the story of The Rich Man and Lazarus from Luke chapter 16. The extended comic book is 128 pages long and has over 600 illustrations, which Alcorn says will help paint a vivid picture of heaven and hell.

Alcorn has written a myriad of fiction and non-fiction books, including award-winning novel “Safely Home” and the highly recommended book, “The Grace and Truth Paradox.” The well-known author says he hopes that the comic book will reach out to those who might not attend church or who have little interest in the Christian books that Alcorn has previously written. Says the author, “I love the idea of junior high, high school, and college-aged young people (and older people too) being drawn to a beautifully illustrated graphic novel that contains the gospel, based on a powerful story that Jesus told.”

The story of Lazarus and the Rich Man contrasts the death of a poverty-stricken believer with that of a rich man who had abounded materially during his lifetime. Lazarus seemed to have no earthly possessions, yet because of God’s grace, his faith had secured him a heavenly home. The rich man may have had his heart’s desires fulfilled while on earth, but he had no eternal hope.

The rich man cries out for mercy beyond the grave, but it is too late; Abraham tells him that there is a chasm that cannot be crossed after judgment. The story ends with Abraham telling the Rich Man that if one does not heed the warnings in Scripture, he will not repent even if someone were to rise from the dead – and Someone did! Jesus Christ rose from the grave on the third day, conquering death and offering the forgiveness of sins – yet men’s hearts are still hardened toward God.

“While [the novel] is fiction, I have labored to make the book Christ-centered, Bible-saturated and theologically sound,” Alcorn said in a blog post.He relayed his own testimony - “I was raised in an unbelieving home. I grew up reading comic books. I read them passionately and “graduated” to science fiction. Then, when I first heard the gospel as a teenager, I read every Christian book I could find, including the Bible. I came to faith in Christ through reading God’s Word, and my love for reading transferred over to Lewis, Tozer, Schaeffer, Packer, Spurgeon and countless others who I read voraciously … Looking back, I’m grateful for the comics that developed my thirst for reading, because they were a ‘gateway’ to reading Scripture and the great books of substance that have been a vital part of my life ever since.”

The extended comic book can be ordered at Alcorn’s website or through retailers such as Amazon.