Christian Woman Uses Facebook Page to Help Homeless Man Build New Life: 'It's Like Grace'

Victor now has a new life, thanks to the compassion of one Christian woman. Facebook

Matthew 25:30 - "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"

With just a simple Facebook page and a little bit of compassion, one Christian woman from Texas helped a homeless man build a brand new life.

For three years, Victor Hubbard, a young man battling mental illness, stood on a street corner waiting and hoping his mother - who abandoned him at a young age - would come back to get him.

Every day, Ginger Sprouse, a married mother and owner of Art of the Meal, which offers cooking classes and private parties, would drive past the young man and wonder why he stood there.

"I would drive up and he would say 'How are you doing today?'" recalled Sprouse. "'Are you doing okay? Don't ever let anybody do you wrong.' Seriously, he always asked about me."

One day, in late December, she finally decided to roll down her window and ask the young man about his story.

"It really began to concern me and then I talked to a lot of people in the community and a lot of people wondered what was the deal," Sprouse told KHOU. Moved with compassion after hearing his story, Sprouse began a Facebook page called "This is Victor", sharing his plight with the world.

"I listen to people talking around town and keep hearing 'someone needs to do something about that guy,'" she explained. "So, I will be the organizer and I hope that we as a community can be 'someone' together."

Sprouse, who on her Facebook page describes herself as a "a redeemed disciple of Jesus" who is "committed to serving Christ in my life, family, work and community", welcomed the young man into her home, cooked meals, washed clothes, helped him set up appointments with a mental health professional. She even gave him a job as a chef in her kitchen.

"She came around and she kind of saved me," Victor said. "She helped me. It's like grace."

Eventually, the Facebook page began to gain followers, and dozens of people volunteered to help Victor, offering him a free eye exam, food, and clothes. The local community even built Victor a bike made from donated parts: "And what a difference it has made!" Sprouse captioned a photo of the young man sitting proudly on the bike. "This bike has given our Victor a real sense of confidence. He can come and go as he pleases and he knows he looks great!"

Today, the Facebook page has over 19,000 followers, and a GoFundMe page created for Victor has raised over  $14,700 in donations.

"Tonight Victor laughed. I mean really laughed," Sprouse wrote in a March 6 update. "The kind where you fall back on the couch kind of laugh. Where you have tears streaming down your face and you can't catch your breath. It wasn't really even that funny. But as he laughed I could almost see the tension leave his body, the years of stress and worry and the anxiety that was clinging to him slowly melting away. I wondered when was the last time he laughed that way? And how sad and lost he was on the corner. And how all of our hearts hurt to see him that way. And how thankful we can be that now he's not just smiling, but laughing. A deep belly laugh, the kind that comes from a joyful heart. And now we can smile too."

Thanks to thousands of his Facebook fans, Victor was also able to connect with an uncle from east Texas and reunite with his mom.

"I got to talk to her and I really feel like I accomplished something," he said.

While she has helped transform Victor's life, Sprouse says the young man has changed her life, as well: "This guy just inspires me. If he can be kind, gracious and joyful so can I!" she said.