Two recognized prophets in the body of Christ have issued urgent prayer alerts, both concerning the Electoral College.
Cindy Jacobs is calling all believers to rise up in prayer for two things: a possible recount for the Electoral College and the process of the electoral count.
She pointed out that Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has raised enough money to push for a recount in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, and Hillary Clinton is jumping in.
“Money is being raised to pay for these recalls and millions have been raised. Recounts have changed state election results, but never a federal one,” Jacobs said, according to an article released by Jennifer LeClaire.
“It is important to understand the workings of the governmental process and that we pray for order to keep the ship of state steady in these times. We must pray for the Electoral College and Electors. We must cry out to God to unify our nation as well,” Jacobs said.
“The need to appeal to heaven has not diminished since the election. Let us raise our voices to the God of the nations to send mercy upon us now more than ever,” she said.
She asked people to pray the Electoral College process through until Dec. 19, the day when electors will meet in their states to vote for president and vice president. The votes will be tallied by Congress on Jan. 6.
Jacobs explained that if no presidential candidate gets 270 or more electoral votes, the House of Representatives as mandated by the 12th Amendment would decide the outcome of the election and, if needed, would elect the president by majority vote.
“There have been what is called ‘Faithless Electors’ in the history of the United States, such as in 1836 when 23 Virginian Electors acted as a bloc. Although no such faithless Electors have changed the outcome of any election to date, the 12th Amendment was needed in the election of the Vice President under Martin Van Buren, as the result of ‘Faithless Electorals,’” she said.
Jacobs said the people of God should keep in fervent intercession for the U.S. in these “tumultuous times.”
Jacobs also mentioned that God has given warnings about watching the Electoral College as early as 2008 through Chuck Pierce. She said Pierce recently prophesied the church should stand watch in the next 10 days.
Chuck Pierce said God revealed to him on Nov. 10 that “the next 10 days will be critical.” He recalled a prophetic word he released eight years ago saying, “In 2016, the Electoral College will be the issue.”
“God is dealing with a structure in this nation that will cause the future to be reprogrammed,” he said, according to Charisma News.
Pierce also said God is doing a realigning among the nations. The election of Donald Trump and the death of Fidel Castro are significant in this realignment that would lead into a “great harvest shift.” He also said there will be a “true apostolic movement” that will come out of Russia.
This process only has a “short, 10-year window,” he emphasized.
"Russia, Hong Kong and America represent a triangle God is forming; He is redoing the alignments of the nations. Because of Mr. Trump, we will remain aligned with Israel for this short, 10-year window," he said.
“These next 10 days are critical to aligning the heavens, the earth and the nations of the earth. Get ready, for I have brought you here for a time such as this," Pierce prophesied.