Close Run on Trump vs Harris Presidential Debate, Chinese Pastor: Won’t Affect the Votes

CNN Presidential Debate
CNN Presidential Debate

On the evening of September 10, former president Donal Trump and current vice president Kamala Harris had their first presidential debate in Philadelphia. The debate covered several topics including economy, immigration, international affairs, and women’s rights. Both sides’ performances in the debate were highly scrutinized, and the supporters of each side had different things to say about their performances.

Harris Takes Spotlight, Trump’s Strategy Questioned

Pundits and the media agree that Harris’ performance well in the debate. She set up a strong image as a “candidate for change”, calling voters to “turn the page” and accused the Trump administration for failing on a number of issues. Pulling in her prosecutor background, she made frequent and powerful rebuttals at Trump throughout the night (POLITICO).

In contrast, Trump focused on his past achievements and controversies. He emphasized his politices on the economy, taxes, and international affairs, particularly his plans to lower inflation and improve Medicare. However, some from the audience felt that Trump was too moderate, and failed to take full advantage of the opportunities that could be used to counter Harris’ attacks (POLITICO).

Rev. Boli Zhang: Close Tie for the Election, But It Won’t Affect the Votes

Chinese pastor Rev. Boli Zhang believes that the result of the debate will not influence the outcomes of the election to any considerable affect. He points out that Trump had great rebuttals, especially at the conclusion. However, it does seem he’s a bit lost at what to do when faced with such a “special character” as Harris. Rev. Boli argued that Trump’s four-year experience in office and his policies, such as lowering inflation, lowering taxes, and increased tariffs (Fox News), bring in strong support from the voters.

Rev. Boli also mentions that, while Trump has not proposed a detailed plan regarding health insurance, he has faith that by the time Trump gets in office, he will bring a better plan than Obamacare to the table. Rev. Boli believes that Trump’s policies are more supportive of the middle-class, while Harris showed no clear advantage through the debate (POLITICO).

Future Remains Uncertain

Overall, the debate did not significantly change the overall course of the election, but it did provide voters with an opportunity to learn about the policies and personalities of both candidates. As Rev. Boli shared, the debate will not have a decisive impact on the votes, but it is an important part of the demonstration of the American democratic system. As the election approaches, both sides will need to continue to work hard to gain voter support.