Angry activists at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington demanded that the video of the college take over be taken down, claimed it was stolen and edited to cast aspersion on their protest actions.
The activists said, "We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists."
They said the video, which has almost half a million viewers on Youtube as of May 31, was edited in such a way to "expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday."
Some of the video footages showed raucous students who accused the school administration of racial discrimination and failure to act on their demands.
One-Per-Year Apartheid Event
The protest actions apparently stemmed from one instance when one professor, Bret Weinstein, objected to the college one-per-year racial apartheid event to which the students shouted at him: "This is not about you! We are not speaking on terms - on terms of white privilege."
One of the footages of the video has one protester screaming, "Whiteness is the most violent f***in' system to ever breathe!"
While another protester shouted: "I'm tellin' you, you're speakin' to your ancestor, all right? We been here before you. We built these cities, we had civilization way before you ever had...comin' out your caves."
Mob Control The Campus
Unfortunately, Weinstein said, College President George Bridges allowed the "mob to control the campus" as student protests ran for months, which had peaked this week.
Bridges appeared to have given in to the students' demands, he said.
Talking to students, the college president committed to conducting "an extensive forensic investigation of the theft of this video and to determining who stole it from students."
"If that investigation yields a suspect, we will seek criminal charges against the individual," he said.