Daredevil Season 2 Cast, Trailer, Spoilers; Crossovers With Jessica Jones and Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D?

Daredevil Season 2
Matt Murdock's Daredevil will don a red costume in season 2. Facebook page

Netflix and Marvel struck television gold when it came to the first season of Daredevil, and the binge-watchers that got addicted to it back when it premiered last spring can't wait for their second dose with Season 2.  There are rumors of crossovers between Marvel's next Netflix show Jessica Jones as well as Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  This is what is known about Daredevil Season 2 Cast, Trailer, Spoilers, and more, including the addition of Elektra and the Punisher.

According to Yibada, there is a possibility of Phil Coulson from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will appear on Daredevil Season 2.  Considering that Crusher Creel has been seen on a poster in the first season of Daredevil, and has been a character appearing on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., it wouldn't be too difficult to work in characters from ABC's show to the Netflix show.

There are also many concerns that all of the Easter eggs and crossovers to other shows could get old very quick.  Daredevil season 1 stood very well on its own two feet, but all this crossover into other Marvel Cinematic universe offerings could make it just plain hard to follow, even for the biggest fans. 

The one character who really should make an appearance in Daredevil Season 2 is Jessica Jones.  Considering that Daredevil is planned to be part of a team known as the Defenders that will include Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, it might be wise to have them meet before the series/movie is made that unites these characters.  Surely, this idea has at least been pitched amongst the creators of these shows.  Jessica Jones will begin streaming its entire first season on Netflix starting November 20, 2015, so perhaps there will be an episode where Daredevil shows up. 

There is a trailer out for Daredevil Season 2 that was released at New York City Comic-con, and only the last part of it shows new footage.  What Culture believes that there will a "rivalry of ideologies", as the new footage opens with a shot of a cemetery.  Is it a reference to Matt Murdock's dead father, or will this involve The Punisher.  Considering that the Punisher has a wife and family who were killed, this could easily be a reference here.  Is it clear that Matt Murdock's ethos of not killing his enemies and the Punisher's antihero values are going to create a lot of drama on Daredevil Season 2. 

Speaking of ideology, it looks like Matt is going to be spending time with a Catholic priest this season.  Matt does feel a lot of guilt when it comes to the matter of beating up criminals, and this is an aspect that is left out of most superhero shows.  Season 2 plans to take this guilt he feels a step further, and it is welcome. 

The relationship with Foggy will also get complicated now that Foggy knows that Matt is Daredevil.  The question is will Karen Page find out.  Considering that she has a secret after killing Wilson Fisk's best friend Wesley, perhaps she will discover who Matt really is.  Karen and Matt could have a relationship, as they did in the comic book source material, but if Elektra is making an appearance, this superhero romance could be the focus for Season 2. 

Daredevil Season 2 is set for a Netflix release sometime in the spring of 2016.