"Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson has weighed in on today's political climate and warned that this nation will "collapse" if it continues to "slaughter its offspring."
On Monday night, the "Duck Commander" spoke at an Alabama rally for Judge Roy Moore, who defeated his rival, Senator Luther Strange, in a special primary runoff on Tuesday.
"These Ten Commandments 'trump' politics - pun intended," Robertson, 71, said. "Roy Moore's a godly man, or I wouldn't be here."
Breitbart reports that Robertson highlighted how, in the 1990's, Moore hung a wood Ten Commandments plaque on the wall of his courtroom while serving as a county judge.
In 2000, Moore ran and won a race for Chief Justice of Alabama's Supreme Court and made national headlines when he refused to remove a 5,280-pound granite Ten Commandments monument from the state judicial building. Moore was suspended from his position last September and resigned this April when he announced that he was running for Senate.
Continuing his comments, Robertson recited Romans 1:28 - "Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved man to do what ought not to be done. They became filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity."
"Sounds like America, doesn't it?" Robertson said. "I'm quoting what the apostle Paul said 2,000 years ago. When you look on our streets in America, you see people running around with signs on top of their head, all puffed up ... won't even acknowledge the flag of the United States of America - the national anthem! You say what in the world's going on? They're senseless! Faithless!"
The former reality star told the audience: "Remember, as soon as you get God out of your psyche, he's giving you a list after list ... of what people do. They not only do these things, but they approve of those who practice them."
"When a nation slaughters its offspring - one million a year - they always collapse those nations - you can't do that!" he added, urging attendees to vote for Moore because "he's a godly man."
The New York Times notes that in three books, Moore has described his legal opinion that the United States was founded as a Christian nation that ultimately answered to the "laws of nature and nature's God."
The Times also points out that in a 2002 legal opinion, he described homosexual conduct as "an inherent evil," and he has argued that the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage should not be considered the rule of law.
Robertson is not the only outspoken Christian to throw his support behind Moore; James Dobson, founder of Focus On the Family, endorsed the conservative politician and urged the "people of Alabama to rally behind a righteous and upright man who will bring leadership, integrity and strong conservative values to Washington D.C."
"I can personally attest to his impeccable character as well as his sincere Christian faith," Dobson said, explaining he's known Moore for 15 years. "Throughout his career, Judge Moore has been a tireless champion of religious liberty, standing down those who want nothing less than to rid our nation of its Judeo-Christian foundations."
"Shirley and I watched with admiration when in 1997 he fought to preserve the right to pray in court at the beginning of each session - just as the Senate does to this day," Dobson continued. "Then again in 2003 when he fought bravely against a federal district judge who directed the removal of a two-and-a-half ton Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the State Judicial Center."
Dobson noted that on "each occasion, and on a hundred others," Alabama citizens "rallied behind Judge Moore's leadership in the public square."
"Judge Moore has also proven, time and again, that he is a true champion of the Constitution and a defender of the lives of the unborn," Dobson added.
Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and son of Billy Graham, also praised Moore, saying he has "guts." He also shared a picture of a meeting between him and Moore that was taken last year.