Korie Robertson, the matriarch of the well-known Robertson family from the TV Series "Duck Dynasty" just published her new book about parenting. Her new book, "Strong and Kind: And Other Important Character Traits Your Child Needs to Succeed" tackles about doing what you preach. It talks about being the source of good traits that we want our children to see other than trying to let our children do something that we do not do ourselves.
"After being a parent for twenty years, I have come to believe that the most important thing for parents to decide-more important than bottle or breastfeeding, more important than co-sleeping or sleep training, and even more important than whether to put your child in day care or become a stay-at-home parent - is what values are important to your family and how you will go about instilling those values in your children," Korie Robertson stated in the Amazon.com preview of her book.

Korie wrote the book "Strong and Kind" with the help of her mother, Chrys Howard and insights and stories from her husband, Willie Robertson, who is also the CEO of the Duck Commander.
"Children learn from their parents, and this is why parents must set a good example for being strong and kind role models," Korie stated on her Instagram page (@bosshogwife).
"Strong and Kind helps you identify the character traits you want to see in your children and gives you the tools for putting them in place. Besides strength and kindness other character traits include: Self-Control, Honesty, Compassion, Patience, Joyfulness, Loyalty, Humility. By modeling positive traits, with confidence, consistency, creativity, unity, and in truth and love, you can increase the chances of your kids catching on," Korie wrote as a preview of the book in Amazon.com.
"It isn't always easy, but raising kids with good character is possible," Korie added.
Korie Robertson has written several books before this and has been named as New York Times' Bestselling Author. "Strong and Kind" is scheduled to be released today and it is currently available for pre-order in Amazon.com while it is available for purchase in Barnesandnoble.com.