Franklin Graham Accuses LGBT Community of Attempting To Indoctrinate Children With 'Morally Bankrupt' Message

''Frozen'' is seen as a prime opportunity for Disney to improve LGBT representation in its movies with its first gay princess reports the Independent. Photo Credit:

Prominent evangelist Franklin Graham has accused the LGBT community of attempting to get their "morally bankrupt" message to young children and influence their lives as the U.S. sinks "deeper into secularism."

The 64-year-old leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association took to Facebook on Monday to share his thoughts: "What happens when you remove biblical standards and leadership from a country? Moral bankruptcy, that's what," he writes. "As our culture abandons its once cherished Judeo-Christian foundation and values, godly traditions disappear and we sink deeper into secularism."

Headlines every day reveal just how morally bankrupt the U.S. has become, Billy Graham's son argues, from transgender activist Caitlyn Jenner posing nude for Sports Illustrated to the attempted decriminalization of prostitution. Even worse, some are calling for Elsa, the star of Disney's "Frozen," to have a lesbian girlfriend in the movie's sequel to show children that "there's nothing wrong with being gay."

Writes Graham: "What a lie! This reveals their agenda to get the LGBT message to young children and influence their lives."

The evangelist reminds readers that God calls His people to be salt and light in a dark world and urges believers to pray for our nation and "get involved by standing up for God's truth and His righteousness."

Last month, Graham joined nearly one million others in boycotting Target after the retail giant announced it will allow men to go into women's bathrooms if they identify as female.

"This policy encourages sexual predators and puts women and children in danger. A man shouldn't be able to enter the women's restroom or dressing room because he says he 'feels like a woman today.' That's ridiculous," Graham wrote at the time.  

"We are the sex God created us to be - male or female. How a person feels doesn't change the facts," he added.

In the past, Graham warned that the June 2015 Supreme Court decision requiring states to recognize gay marriage will not just impact the secular world, but the faith-based community as well.

"God gave us marriage and God does not change HIS mind," he said. "Who's to say a few years from now that a man cannot marry his daughter or two men could marry one woman, I mean, where do you draw the line?"