Franklin Graham, son of world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, has said that Christians should never deny Jesus Christ--even in order to spare their lives from death at the hands of terrorists.
The Samaritan's Purse CEO added that doing so would be a betrayal against Christian martyrs who have stood strong for their faith despite persecution.
"Christians have been martyred going all the way back to the Romans when they fed them to the lions. We would be betraying every person who stood for their faith, who stood for Jesus Christ, if we turn our back on Jesus Christ. ... I think we take a stand for our faith," Graham said on Fox News' "The Kelly File" when host Megyn Kelly asked if Christians should lie in order to save their lives when confronted with death at the hands of Islamic terrorists.
Kelly noted that Christians who live in countries where they're the religious minority--such as Iraq and Syria-- are the most persecuted people in the world. He also recalled a particularly disturbing story about four Iraqi Christian children who were beheaded by ISIS militants after they refused to convert to Islam.
The talk show host then asked Graham if President Barack Obama should be a more vocal advocate for Christians. He compared the President to Prince Charles, who in a November speech spoke out against the persecution of Christians.
"You've got Saeed Abedini, an American pastor in prison in Iran - he's in jail because he believes in Jesus Christ, and he's put his faith and trust in Him. And the Iranians have locked him up and given him an eight-year prison sentence because of his faith. And this goes against international law, this goes against the U.N. charter, the Iranians have violated all of this. He's an American citizen and he (Obama) should be demanding from the Iranians to have Saeed Abedini released. He's there for no other reason, other than his faith," Graham argued in the segment that aired Thursday night.
"You take the persecution of Christians in Egypt, you take the persecution of Christians in Syria and Iraq with ISIS, Christians are being slaughtered," Graham continued.
"This storm was coming, last year, as ISIS was building and everyone knew it. I had people that worked there and they say they saw it coming. And certainly the CIA and everyone else knew it, the White House knew it, but he (Obama) called them JV," he added.
"Christians are being not only targeted, but they are being butchered. The women are usually raped by the soldiers, and the men are shot or beheaded in front of their families - this takes place every day."
According to a recent report by the Pew Research Center, Christians continue to be the world's most oppressed religious group, with persecution against them reported in 110 countries.