In "Game of Thrones," the ultimate prize of playing the dangerous game is certainly the honor of owning the Iron Throne, the current occupant of which is Cersei Lannister. But in order for the Queen Mother to preserve her rule on Westeros, she will need to deal with formidable rivals - the determined Daenerys Targaryen, the reluctant Jon Snow and an unlikely contender in Euron Greyjoy.
As a Targaryen, it seems default for Dana to be the one to depose the Lannisters and reclaim the Seven Kingdom for her house. After all, she now has a formidable army and navy to end Cersei's greed for power. And to further insure that the Targaryens will soon return to Westeros, Daenerys is getting help from three full grown dragons.
But Dana is not the last Targaryen. The Mother of Dragons is clueless that her dead brother, Rhaegar, fathered a child with Lyanna Stark. That baby is now a grown man and according to UPROXX he was named Jaehaerys. His parents must have known that one day Jaehaerys will sit on the Iron Throne like his two namesake ancestors did hundred years back.
Jaehaerys is known for now as the King in the North or Jon Snow, known to the public as the bastard son of Eddard Stark. The same report said Jon's true identity was revealed last season via the Tower of Joy flashback scene, in which the dying Lyanna whispered to Ned the baby's real name.
But as the report noted, Ned protected the child by not using Jaehaerys as the name will condemn him to certain death. Jaehaerys was to be known as a Snow, a miserable label but something that shielded him from the wrath of King Robert Baratheon and the House Lannister. And survive he did, which for the most part affirmed the R+L=J theory that GoT fans have been excited about for the longest time.
It appears now for Jon Snow to rule Westeros, he will need to get past Cersei and Daenerys. However, a new report suggested one new character could prove as the more sinister enemy. Euron Greyjoy debuted in Season 6 and instantly made clear he's ready for bloody business. That he proved by disposing off his own blood and thus eliminate a claimant to the Salt Throne, The Daily Express reported.
And Euron has indeed the killer instinct, literally and figuratively. The latter he proved by offering a deal - a marriage proposal in fact that will nudge him closer to the Iron Throne, which is a solid proof that Euron intends to expand his rule by any means and whatever costs.
As for his killer tendencies, actor Pilou Asbæk, who is Euron in Game of Thrones, recently revealed that his character will put King Joffrey and Ramsay Bolton to shame. "After this season (GoT Season 7), Ramsay's gonna look like a little kid," Asbæk was reported by The Express as saying. His words essentially confirmed that Euron intends to leave a bloody trail and will exceed the brutalities perpetrated by Joffrey and Ramsay.
The hints from Asbæk somehow tipped Euron Greyjoy as among the key characters to watch (and hate), and possibly the chief rival to Jon Snow, when Game of Thrones returns for Season 8 on July 16 at HBO.