Russell Wolfe, a film producer of the surprise box office hit "God's Not Dead," shared in an emotional online video that he has been diagnosed with ALS, which is also commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.
In a video posted on Facebook that lasts for more than three minutes, 49-year-old Wolfe is seen holding cue cards that revealed his diagnosis; someone off-camera flips the cards a few seconds at a time. He mostly stayed silent except in certain parts.
"In December of 2013, a doctor told me I had ALS, and that my time on earth was limited," Wolfe wrote on the cards. "Over the past 14 months, I've lost the majority of my ability to speak clearly, use my legs, arms or my hands."
Wolfe, who in an ironic twist played a doctor in "God's Not Dead" who told a girl she had a terminal illness, added that he has "lost the ability to care for my most basic needs." However, he remained unbroken in the midst of adversity.
"One thing I have not lost is my faith," Wolfe wrote. "It's stronger than ever before."
The producer then went on to state that he believed in "miracles" and "complete healing."
"I believe in the power of prayer," Wolfe wrote. "I believe that God's not dead!"
Wolfe placed aside the cue cards and pulled out a wooden cross.
"I have one question for you," Wolfe said, clutching to the cross. "Do you believe?"
The co-founder of Pure Flix then made his appeal to viewers in the video.
"Until my complete healing manifests, I need your help to stay alive," Wolfe said. "Prayer and financial help are needed to offset the extremely high expense of battling this horrible disease."
Wolfe then ended his video by pointing to the donation link and thanked everyone who watched it. Stacy Cavanaugh of Crowdrise created the link where viewers can send donations.
"ALS is a progressive terminal neurodegenerative condition that takes away the ability for one's muscles to work," Cavanaugh wrote. "Russell's ALS first began to affect his fine motor movements, then his speech and now his ability to walk."
Cavanaugh added that Wolfe's "deep faith" has contributed to his "continued positive outlook," despite the physical and financial toll that ALS has ravaged on both him and his family.
"Russell's brain, however, continues its ability to think and reason and remains sharp as ever," Cavanaugh wrote.
Cavanaugh elaborated on the costs associated with treating ALS. These expenses included "in-home therapy, nursing care, treatments, medicines, and medical supply costs."
"As such, we are asking for help no matter how small or how big, prayers included," Cavanaugh wrote. "To date, the Wolfe Family has incurred medical expenses totaling $390,000+, and it's growing daily."
In addition to prayers, Cavanaugh hoped that people would consider "making a financial contribution" for Wolfe to fight ALS.
"All contributions will go towards helping Russell, his wife Alysoun, and their two young children, as they make arrangements today to face challenges on their rapidly progressing ALS journey," Cavanaugh wrote. "Russell's legacy will live on forever...ALS's legacy will not."