Graduation Gift Ideas Focused on Christian Themes, 'God's Little Book for Graduates'

2016 Graduation Mouse Pad
One idea for this year's graduates is a customized mouse pad. Zazzle

Searching for more sentimental graduation gifts for daughters, sons, girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives or graduate of Christian colleges and high schools? In addition to the traditional "Class of' year-designated mugs, pens and shirts, one also can consider functional items, such as a "Trust in the Lord" pillow and blanket or the best seller "God's Little Instruction Book for Class of 2016 Graduates."

A special and useful gift also can be secured in a Jeremiah 29:11 Graduation Photo Box Clock. This Bible verse also can be gotten as a dog tag necklace or in a keychain.

Another religious-oriented item is a plaque that reads "Don't Be Afraid Of Tomorrow, For God Is Already There."

A "Hope in God, Soar Like Eagles" jumbo mug can serve soup or beverages.

To provide lasting inspiration, there also are spiritual journaling Bibles and devotional guides.

For collectors of Precious Moments figurines, there is a musical "Follow Your Dreams" one especially for graduates.

For graduates more technology inclined, Best Buy offers streaming sticks. The Roku stick device provides more than 2,500 channels on demand and features more than 300,000 movies and TV episodes. Don't know exactly what technology gift to purchase? Best Buy has graduate-themed gift cards, too.

Music enthusiasts are sure to enjoy portable or wireless speakers, many of which are Bluetooth-enabled.

Another thoughtful gift for anyone who owns a vehicle is a gift card for car washes and cleanings.

The retailer Amazon offers vast options, such as a Kindle e-reader, Fitbit fitness watch or a NutriBullet blender and mixer system.

For younger graduates, there are huggable, plush puppies and other animals. Or there are games, as well as videos and CDs featuring artists that sing firmly of their beliefs in God and a risen Lord.

One online source, 101 Inspirational Ideas, suggests "My Utmost for His Highest," Updated Graduate Edition by Oswald Chambers as a powerful guide into positive faith and stepping out into a world. It is updated into today's language, and its life-changing pages of encouragement lead young people toward offering each day to God.

Jonathan Morrow's "Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower's Guide for the Journey" is a great Christian graduation gift for seniors. It is a humorous handbook that helps teens grapple with tough campus issues.

Girls especially like photo frames with diplomas on the front setting to the side of their photo. For Christians, there are inspirational frames that invoke encouragement each time they look at them. A bright colorful frame might explain about life's journey, or that as Judy Garland once said: "Being a first rate you is better than being a second place anybody else."

There is also framed art. It can be simple and whimsical: "When life hands you lemons, Praise God and make lemonade!" Or, more seriously: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord", a proclamation by the judge Joshua; found in Joshua 24:15.

Another Christian graduation gift idea is a laptop skin or charm bracelet that will inspire  through phrases from the Bible about Christians.