Hearthstone's One Night in Karazhan Release Date, Gameplay and New Cards: Blizzard Offers Free Prologue Mission

Hearthstone's One Night in Karazhan
One Night in Karazhan will be released on August 11 Venture Beat

Blizzard revealed last week that the next addition to Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft will be released in the second week of August. The expansion called One Night in Karazhan will introduce 45 new cards and a free prologue mission.

The entire One Night in Karazhan expansion costs $19.99, and it comes with a special card back. Alternatively, the expansion is available wing by wing. A single wing of the expansion pack costs $6.99, or 700 in-game gold. For those who have been smartly saving their gold from quests or successful arena runs, they can get the Karazhan expansion wing by wing without paying for it all at once.

Furthermore, Blizzard says it will provide discounted bundles to help players complete the collection, as per report from PC Gamer.

Usually, Hearthstone's adventure add-ons are released in wings with two to four boss fights each. A new wing becomes available every Thursday until the adventure is complete. Blizzard has not yet announced how many wings will be available in One Night in Karazhan. Rumors claim it might have five.

The next single-player Adventure in Hearthstone will take place in the tower of Karazhan, a haunted castle that was once home of Medivh. Gamers who played the the original Warcraft: Orcs & Humans or watched the recent Warcraft film may remember Medivh. He is a powerful mage who helped orcs open a portal to the world of Azeroth.

Polygon published some of the new cards from the upcoming One Night in Karazhan expansion. The publications also listed the abilities of the new cards.

Druid players will definitely love the Enchanted Raven. This two-health minion can be summoned for only one mana. It is also the first card printed with 1-Mana 2/2. The full details of the card are not yet available, but it would certainly be helpful during early game.

Many players are looking forward for Firelands Portal. This card has great strategic value. It can immediately deal five damage to an enemy and summon a five-cost minion, such as Leeroy Jenkins or Doomguard .

As we mentioned earlier, Blizzard will provide a special "prologue mission," which can be played for free. This challenge puts players in the shoes of Medivh. Finishing the mission will earn players two new cards and a taste of One Night in Karazhan's adventures.

Stay tuned with us for more update. Watch the One Night in Karazhan's trailer below.