"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Isaiah 6:8
The invitation to join Christ in his work of the harvest was given over 2,000 years ago. What's your response?
2 Chronicles 16:9 confirms the promise of God for those who will step up and step out, "The eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the whole earth that He may strongly support those whose hearts are completely his."
The late musician and preacher Keith Greene said it well,
"In fact, if you don't go, you need a specific calling from God to stay home. Has God definitely told you not to "go" somewhere outside your country to preach the Gospel? If He hasn't, then you'd better start praying WHERE to go, instead of IF you should go - for again, you're already called!"
The truth is, God is waiting for us to put our yes on the table and obediently listen and go where he goes, say what he says and love with his love.
But sadly, something has held us back.
Many times our churches don't have a formal missionary training and deployment program. Maybe the opportunity has not presented itself.
Experts estimate there are almost 6,000 unreached people groups on the earth today comprised of over 2 billion people living with very few or no witness at all of the love of Jesus Christ.
Every day thousands of people are affected by natural and manmade disasters and are desperate for answers. Desperate for hope. Hope that you have. Hope that I have. Hope only found in Christ.
The bottom line is in Christ there is the solution to every problem in the world, but we've lacked the confidence and know how to see God's kingdom come, God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
For too long the Church has deferred our responsibility in the areas of disaster response and crisis to government agencies. Yet, I believe that the arena of crisis and disaster can be the backdrop of a great move of God and in sweeping of souls into the Kingdom of God. If we will respond and go where he goes.
I know you've felt like being a Christian meant more than attending church and watching a broken world on the daily news. Crisis and disaster is encompassing the earth and millions are affected every day. You don't have to sit back and watch and wait. Now is the time for action. Now is the time to prepare and go. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are truly few.
I believe God is calling forth and raising up an army of mercy missionaries, equipped with the knowledge of Jesus and the love of the Father to bring the hope of the Gospel to all nations. The truth is crisis opens hearts to the Message of Christ. When we meet the practical needs of those in crisis by offering food, shelter and medical attention, hearts are warmed to hear the message we carry. But, more messengers are needed. Urgently. More work needs to be done. I believe the Lord is asking the same question he did in Isaiah's day. Who will go for us? Whom shall we send? With almost 6,000 unreached people groups, there is work to be done.
It's time to prepare the way for the Lord's return. Could it be that God is calling you into his work of the harvest? Before the coming of the Lord all nations will have a witness of the Gospel. If not now, when? If not us, who?
Sean Malone is Director of Crisis Response International (www.criout.com) based out of Nashville, TN. Crisis Response International (CRI) has trained and equipped over 2,000 crisis responders around the world. Teams are currently deployed in Iraq bringing hope and light in the ISIS crisis. CRI is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that resources, trains and mobilizes volunteers, churches and other organizations to respond to disasters and compassion initiatives around the world.