Twenty years after the first Independence Day film comes the sequel, which also takes place twenty years after the aliens attacked our world. This new trailer, released from 20th Century Fox on Sunday, features President Whitmore's (Bill Pullman) speech from the first movie, "...But as the day when the world declared in one voice: 'We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight. We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our..'" (Cue movie title and deep movie music "bwong" here) and we have Independence Day 2: Resurgence Trailer with a Release Date.
Jeff Goldblum returns as the brilliant "TV repairman" David Levinson. His voiceover in the trailer states:"I spent twenty years trying to get us ready for this. We used their technology to strengthen our planet, but it won't be enough." The aliens come back with bigger and better technology, and former President Whitmore is still apparently able to hear them in his dreams and knows that they are coming back.
We also see David's father, Julius Levinson, played by Judd Hirsch. Vivica A. Fox is also returning as Jasmine Dubrow-Hiller. The big character who people may have hoped to see, who will not be returning is Will Smith's character- Captain Steven Hiller.
Film director Roland Emmerich told NY Daily News back in 2013 that "Will Smith cannot come back because he's too expensive, but he'd also be too much of a marquee name. It would be too much."
Will Smith told the BBC back in 2012 that he didn't want to "be the sequel guy," when asked if he would be involved in I am Legend 2, though he would "potentially consider Bad Boys III," and also MIB 4, if people loved the third one. He also wanted 50 million to shoot the back to back ID sequels, and requested that they film close to his home and involve his family in the movie according to reports on eurweb.com.
There is a timeline for interested fans that explains what happens to Captain Steve Hiller at the website www.warof1996.com. According to this interactive site, Colonel Hiller died due to an unknown malfunction of the first alien hybrid fighter he was test piloting. The world remembers his heroism in the War of 1996, and he was a global icon.
David is going to need a new side-kick now, and it looks like Jake Morrison, played by Liam Hemsworth (also known as Gale in the Hunger Games movies) will be there to fill those shoes. Will we get to enjoy the same chemistry that Goldblum and Smith shared in the first movie?
Other film newcomers include William Fichtner as General Adams, Maika Monroe as Patricia Whitmore (the former President's daughter), and Sela Ward as President Lanford. Yes, we will be seeing a woman president take the controls.
Independence Day 2:Resurgence shows promise with bigger and better effects. We've come a long way in 20 years of special effects, and those aliens have been working on those ships, as well as the humans using aliens' technology to make our alternate reality earth highly advanced. There is also the opportunity to see these aliens and ships in 3D this time! This movie will hit the theaters on June 24, 2016 (why not on the 3rd of July like last time?). What do you think of this trailer? Leave your comments below.