'Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD' Release Date, Latest Updates, And Reviews

The Legend of Zelda for the Wii U.
It might not show until the Nintendo NX.

Nintendo said they will be sticking to their recent announcement about the 2016 release date of "Legend of Zelda" Wii U. In a presentation, the gaming giant highlighted the latest features of remastered version of the game, suggesting that in the midst of fans' qualms, the game will still be in the console.

Reggie Fils-Amie, head of Nintendo of America, made the announcement during the first Nintendo Direct live-video presentation. He noted that the game will be release on stores nationwide on March 4 , 2016, together with a new Amiibo toy made after the Wolf Link character ridden by Midna. The 30-year-old series will be playable on Nintendo Wii U.

In the Nintendo Direct presentation, the gaming company showed a glimpse of gameplay footage from various parts of the story, including Link riding through a graceful Epona through a stunning pasture. The video also showed other characters and environments.

 In addition, the company said they will also launch the Nintendo NX next year. But as it turns out, "Legend of Zelda" Wii U is still a thing for Nintendo.

In a report from Christian Today, Fils-Amie affirmed that not much will be changed in the game-play of Zelda, except that it will now be compatible to the Wolf Link amiibo. For those who will have the gadget, they can still continue the game over saved data to the "Twilight Princess HD" Wii U.

In comparison to the latest Zelda and its original 2006 version, gaming experts said Wii's graphics were quite outdated at the time of its release, but the HD colors looked great in the new version.

In a published review, it says the there could be major additions to Link's equipment. For example, Link's current sword seems to be the biggest sword yet. At best, it could be bigger than Biggoron's Sword, or the Fierce Deity Sword. The bow also appears to be an upgraded version of what was shown in the trailer.

There are also major titles from Nintendo that is scheduled to release next year. The Hyrule Warriors Legends will become available on Nintendo 3DS in the first quarter of 2016. There are reports that said a new female counterpart of Link will be featured in the upcoming version.

"The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD" bundle is now available for pre-order in various retailers such as Gamestop and Best Buy.