Louisiana Baptists Asks For A Study of SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Russell Moore
Russell Moore has been public in his opposition of Trump's nomination and candidacy. Twitter

In the recent Louisiana Baptist Convention held last November 14-15, Pastor Clark Stewart of New Zion Baptist Church made a motion for the Executive Board to "study the recent actions of SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission with regard to issues of concern to Louisiana Baptists."

Although Stewart did not give any particular issue that Louisiana Baptists were concerned with, speculations indicate that it might have to do with the head of ERLC Russell Moore, who, in the recent presidential election campaign clearly opposed the nomination and candidacy of Donald Trump.

Earlier this year, Russell Moore has made claimed that the presidential election would become a test for evangelical voters. He is known for his criticism of Trump, and questioned known leaders in the Christian community for their support of Trump.

"I think if character matters for Bill Clinton, and it does, then character ought to matter for Donald Trump," Moore stated.

He has also taken to Twitter to express his displeasure of how Jerry Falwell, Jr, president of Liberty University seemed to present Trump in a positive light, when in his opinion, his life does not really show it. When Trump spoke at Liberty University, Falwell, Jr introduced the President-elect as someone who "lives a life of helping others as Jesus taught in the Great Commandment," but Moore claims that to win at politics while losing the gospel cannot be considered a victory.

Russell Moore regards President-elect Trump as a lost person and his prayer for him is that we would repent of his sins and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He even penned an article in the New York Times where he says that evangelicals who are backing Trump have lost their Christian values.

This is in contrast to the beliefs of his predecessor in the ERLC. Richard Land, who headed the ERLC for 25 years has stated before the elections that despite there being no good choice for the coming elections, choosing to vote against Hillary Clinton was clear. Land considers Trump as the lesser evil compared to former Secretary of State.