Daredevil Season 2 Netflix Release Date, Cast and News Update

Daredevil TV series on Netflix
What's in store for Season 2? Photo: Comics Alliance

Fans of the Marvel/Netflix series Daredevil will be pleased to know that there is a lot planned for Season 2.  Hopefully, the writers know how to balance it out as there will be a lot pulled from the comic-book source material like Blake Tower, The Punisher, Elektra, and possibly Bullseye.  This is what we know about Marvel Daredevil Season 2 Netflix Release Date, Cast, and News Update.

According to The Latin Post, there will be a new ally for Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer who is known as Daredevil by night.  Stephen Rider of Lee Daniels' The Butler and Lucky 7 is planning on joining the cast as Blake Tower, the District Attorney for New York City.  Blake Tower is plucked from the comic book source material, and he will be giving Murdock "information to help track down and capture criminals".   

It would appear that Matt will have his hands quite full in Season 2.  A recent report from Vine Report talked to the former showrunner Steven DeKnight, and he is pretty glad that Season 2 will have The Punisher, and that putting him on will allow the Marvel Cinematic Universe to embrace the character's source material roots.

Marvel states that Jon Bernthal, an actor best known for his roles on The Wolf of Wall Street, Fury, and TV's The Walking Dead, has been cast as The Punisher.  For those who are unaware of this character, he is one of Marvel's most popular superheroes, but he definitely delves into some villain territory. 

In fact, some recent set photos of Bernthal as The Punisher have begun appearing.  Yahoo News shows Bernthal fighting a lot of people, and his face is seriously cut up.

In addition to The Punisher being a prominent antihero figure on the show, it would appear that there will be changes in store for Matt Murdock's love life as well. 

According to IGN, a recent update of the filming of Daredevil Season 2 has revealed an interesting possibility of a romance for Season 2.  It is just a simple shot of Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) walking hand in hand with Karen Page (Deborah Ann Wolf) on the set.  Some are questioning whether or not this means that Matt and Karen are about to have a relationship. 

If that is the case, then Foggy Nelson (Elden Hensen) could get a little jealous, as it seemed like he was moving toward Karen in the first season.  Of course, it is complicated as Karen did kill Wesley at the end of the last season, the Kingpin's assistant and best friend. 

In the comic book source material, Matt dated Karen Page for a while.  Of course, they broke up, and then she eventually sold Matt Murdock's identity as Daredevil to Kingpin for a drug fix.  That is material for a whole season or two of Daredevil TV series.  This could be a spoiler for Season 2, but in the comic books, Karen Page died. 

Of course, it sounds like the focus of Season 2 would be a romance between Matt and Elektra.  Marvel has recently announced that casting of Elodie Yung in the role of Elektra for Season 2 of the Netflix series, a very well-known character from the comic-book source material.  Elektra was a fan-favorite character that Daredevil fell for, but was unfortunately killed by an assassin named Bullseye. 

It is not known if Bullseye will be making an appearance on the show, as there hasn't been any casting information on this.  The first season had allusions to these characters, but they were quite subtle.  There is a scene where Matthew Murdock (Daredevil's real name) is talking with his friend and law partner Foggy Nelson, and the latter mentions that Matt had a girlfriend in the past, and this is probably Elektra.

There is also a scene in Season 1 where we see a sniper who happens to have a deck of cards near him.  The sniper's face is not seen, but the cards could be a reference to Bullseye, who liked to employ them often. 

The interesting aspect of watching a movie or TV show based on Marvel comics source material is that the viewer is usually just watching part of a story.  In the case of Netflix's Daredevil, it is already planned to be a part of a bigger story as Matt Murdock will be joining a team known as The Defenders.  There will be four shows that Netflix will air with these team members, and there are a lot of plans for Daredevil Season 2. 

Business Insider reports that Marvel has a plan for its Netflix series from Netflix president Ted Sarandos.  He says that "there will be a rhythm of about every six months you'll get a new season or a new series from the Defenders group".  The Defenders is a plan to group the heroes from the Netflix Marvel Cinematic Universe together, which includes Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. 

The Jessica Jones series will begin sometime in late 2015, and will star Kristyn Ritter and David Tennant.  Then, six months later, there will be Luke Cage, which will star Mike Colter as the lead character.  Another six months later will be Iron Fist, and I would imagine that the second season of Daredevil will have to fit in there somewhere, along with the Defenders series that will combine all four of these characters into one team.   

Whatever the case, it doesn't look like Daredevil Season 2 will return to Netflix until sometime in 2016. There is the possibility of cross-overs with other shows that take place in this Netflix Marvel Cinematic Universe as well.