Michelle Qureshi, wife of the late Christian apologist and best-selling author Nabeel Qureshi, has revealed how the financial support she and her young daughter, Ayah, have continued to receive via GoFundMe and Patreon websites has blessed them in the months following her husband's death.
"GoFundMe -- first of all, wow," Michelle said in a recent video. "I'm so grateful for what God has done through the people who have chosen to give. I know that Nabeel would be incredibly humbled and honored to know where things have gone with this campaign. I wanted to let you know that this incredible generosity is allowing me to utilize my time moving forward in parenting Ayah and managing both the estate and the ministry and doing all of those things with excellence. So, so grateful."
Nabeel Qureshi, a former speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries who was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer last August, died in September at just 34 years old. Michelle revealed that her husband's life insurance policy was rescinded due to suspected fraud, as he signed the application in June 2016 and was diagnosed with cancer just two months later. However, because there was no actual fraud, Michelle said she had chosen to contest the decision via litigation.
"I am committed to the truth," she said. "No one is going to call my husband a liar and get away with it without a fight. So, for many reasons, I am thankful for this ongoing GoFundMe campaign. We will keep it open, and you can prayerfully consider whether or not you'd like to participate, whether or not God would have you participate."
Nabeel established a GoFundMe page in May of this year to help him pay uncovered medical costs. The caveat with any leftover money in the case of his death would be that the funds would go to his wife and daughter, he stated in a YouTube video. At the time, Nabeel said that he was hopeful that in the case of his death, the funds could be used to pay for his daughter's education.
So far, Nabeel's GoFundMe has raised $958,165 of its $1.0M goal, much of it donated since his passing.
Michelle, who vowed to continue her husband's work following his death, said she is also thankful for those who support the continuation of his ministry via the Patreon website.
"It's amazing the faith that people are showing in me even when I have yet to formulate a defined vision. I'm not taking that lightly, so to those of you who have chosen to continue to faithfully pledge, I'm grateful, and I want to do everything within my power to honor your pledges."
While she doesn't want to make any "rushed decisions" regarding her late husband's ministry in "this stage in life," Michelle assured viewers "there's lots of exciting stuff happening."
"There's been discussion about translating his works into language of Muslims people groups," she said. "Again, it's just in discussion form right now, no official decisions have been made."
The support of Patreon, she said, has given her the freedom to seek advice to ensure she's making "wise decisions about how to manage Nabeel's intellectual property."
Both the GoFundMe and Patreon websites will remain open for the foreseeable future, Michelle said, and ended the video by asking for prayer.
"One thing I need prayers for adequate, mental and emotional rest," she said. "It's happening, but it's not happening as much as I need, so I could use your prayers for that. And, wisdom and perseverance for this long season of decision making."
Michelle said she wants to manage both her family's estate and her husband's ministry with "excellence," and GoFundMe and Patreon are allowing her to do that right now.
"So, praise God," she concluded.