No Man's Sky Release Date In August, Review, Gameplay, Price and Features; Xbox One and Mac Version Rumors

No Man's Sky
You can now pre-order No Man's Sky on PlayStation Store Hello Games

No Man's Sky from indie developer Hello Games is probably one of the biggest games this year. In terms of size, it has absurdly big procedurally generated universe at about eighteen quintillion planets. Gamers are so excited for the game's release that it is not surprising some were disappointed when its original release date was pushed back. Now, here's the latest round-up of update about No Man's Sky release date, gameplay and rumors.

According to No Man's Sky official website, the game will be released on August 9 in North America, and August 10 in Europe. There are rumors that the game will have Mac version. However, its possibility remains a mystery.

For the game's Xbox One version, director of ID@Xbox Chris Charla said last year that he "would love to see" No Man's Sky on the Xbox One. He is said that in an interview with The Inner Circle. He also added that a workaround for the launch parity clause could be found if developer Hello Games wanted to talk about the game's Xbox One release.

As of now, Sony and Hello Games have not yet revealed anything about Mac and Xbox One version of No Man's Sky.

Interested gamers can now pre-order No Man's Sky at for $79.99. This package comes with a steel book case with the PS4 version of the game, a 48-page art book, and an exclusive comic book by Dave Gibbons. In addition, it includes in-game items like Photonix Core Ship Boost, a Boltcaster SM Weapon blueprint, 10,000 extra credits and more.

GameSpot estimated No Man's Sky has more than eighteen quintillion planets, which can be written as 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. The number of planets in the game is absurdly large that it is challenging to imagine its enormous size.

To make it easier, let's try to compare the planets of No Man's Sky to incredibly small things here on earth, such as grains of sand. According to a study from University of Hawaii, there are 7 quintillion 500 quadrillion grains of sand on the Earth's surface. However, No Man's Sky's planets are about two and a half times more than all of the sands on our planet.

The insane number of planets is only one of the amazing elements in No Man's Sky. Players can also explore many different worlds by making their ship stronger. The goal of the game is to reach the center of the universe.

As August comes closer, we expect more details about No Man's Sky will be revealed.