Oprah Winfrey Endorses Hillary Clinton for President On Bishop 'T.D. Jakes' Show

T. D. Jakes and Oprah Winfrey
Minister T. D. Jakes of Potters Church in Texas asked media producer Oprah Winfrey how to reunite Americans after such a vicious election cycle, and she said to vote for democracy and for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.  T.D. Jakes and Oprah

American media mogul Oprah Winfrey recently appeared on the "T.D. Jakes" self-titled daytime talk show during which she urged viewers to vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, stating "you don't have to like her" to vote for her. Winfrey, who has remained fairly quiet about politics during the heated 2016 campaign, asked undecided voters if they "like democracy." As leader of the Potter's House megachurch in Dallas, Texas, Jakes pushed Winfrey to discuss how the country can be unified rather than divided.

"We have focused so much on what divides us, rather than what unites us," he said. "You brought all types of people together that normally would not be. How are we going to get that back in this country?"

Winfrey said there is no platform for "public discourse" about the issues.

"The reason why I haven't been vocal, other than saying 'I'm with her,' is because I didn't know what to say that could actually pierce through all the noise and the chaos and the disgusting vitriol that's going on and actually be heard," Winfrey said on the broadcast.

"It's scary," Jakes replied. "At a time that leadership is so critical in our country."

Winfrey said Clinton is the only way to go. "But there really is no choice, people," she said, eliciting agreement from Jakes.

Americans don't have to particularly like Clinton to vote for her, asserts Winfrey. "I hear this all the time. You get into conversations-and there's not a person in this room who hasn't been in this same conversation-where people say, 'I just don't know if I like her,'" Winfrey said. "She's not coming over to your house! You don't have to like her. Do you like this country?"

"I hear you," Jakes remarked.

"Do you like this country? You better get out there and vote," she proclaimed. "Do you like the country? Do you like freedom and liberty? Do you like this country? Okay. Do you like democracy or do you want a demagogue?"

Jakes, who claims to have 11 million followers, said he couldn't top Winfrey's remarks.

Winfrey calls Jakes "America's Treasure." He has been a guest on OWN's Oprah' s Next Chapter, Lifeclass and Super Soul Sunday. He is a trusted advisor to Dr. Phil, and serves on several advisory boards. 

Politico noticed Winfrey appeared to be stepping back into politics since her absence after her high-profile endorsement of Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in the 2008 presidential primary.