'Orange is the New Black' Season 3 Spoilers: Pornstache’s Mustache is Fake, Matt McGorry Not Leaving

Orange is New Black

'Orange is the New Black' (OITNB) Season 3 will see the return of corrections officer John Bennett, who is portrayed by actor Matt McGorry.

Fans feared that McGorry was leaving the Netflix-original series due to commitments to the upcoming ABC drama series 'How to Get Away with Murder', which is scheduled to premiere on Sept. 25.

On Tuesday, the 28-year-old actor told reporters at the 2014 TCA Press Tour that he was still committed to both shows.

"I am allowed to do both, which is incredible and I think ABC giving me permission to do that is really quite wonderful...It's too early to tell how it's going to work, but same way as Pablo Schreiber in season two, you can shoot things out of order," McGorry said.

McGorry also discounted rumors that 'Orange is the New Black' was cancelled.

"I was actually in a taxi and I heard it on the news and somebody texted me-I couldn't believe. I kind of had the idea of tweeting something," McGorry explained. "I was going to say 'We got nominated for too many Emmys'...I thought it was really funny."

As it turns out, rumors originated from a hoax by satirical website, Empire News. The gag provoked irate fans to flood the site's comments section with expressions ranging from annoyance to rage.

Last weekend, Netflix reassured fans that the show "is not cancelled" in a tweet that included a picture of characters "Crazy Eyes" and "Taystee."

It is still too early to know the exact release date for 'Orange is the New Black' Season 3, which is likely to debut next year. At this time, however, the third season is undergoing filming.

The Actor Behind "Pornstache"

Pablo Schreiber stars as Bennett's mustachioed colleague George "Pornstache" Mendez, who is universally despised at Litchfield Penitentiary for his masochistic behavior and abuses. Despite being a lowly corrections officer, the controversial character is a virtual tyrant within the prison walls.

Mendez eventually gets his comeuppance when the women inmates orchestrate an elaborate coup by framing him for statutory rape. They succeed, and Pornstache is led away in handcuffs by U.S. Marshals.

On June 12, Schreiber expressed relief on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' that Pornstache's iconic mustache was actually fake -- hence, removable.

"One of the beautiful things about this character is that [mustache] is the ultimate disguise right there," Schreiber told TV-host Jimmy Kimmel. "The fact that they don't recognize me [in public] for that character is a very positive thing."

Due to commitments to the HBO show "The Brink", Schreiber will not be making regular appearances on OITNB. Instead, actor Mary Steenburgen will fill in as Pornstache's mother in Season 3.