Pastor Tong Liu Shares About Mission in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Encouraging Christians to Evangelized the Unreached Lands

rev. Liu tong
rev. Liu tong

Standing beside the Congo River, the second largest river in Africa, Pastor Liu Tong shared the progress of River of Life Christian Church's mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) over the past four years. He urged the church to continue to be of one heart and one mind, and to spread the Gospel to the unreached lands.

In a recent video on the River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC)’s YouTube channel, Pastor Tong Liu shared his mission experience as he stood on the banks of the Congo River in Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC. The second largest river in all of Africa, he pointed out that the two banks of the river border the DRC and the Republic of Congo.

Pastor Liu introduced that the DCR is located at the center of the African continent, covering such a vast area it is the second-largest country in Africa and the largest French-speaking nation in the world. Since its independence in 1960, the DRC has experienced two civil wars, causing multitudes of casualties and millions in exile. Until now, there is still armed conflict ongoing in the eastern part of the nation, with many people dislocated and in desperate need of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


A hundred years ago, missionary Dr. David Livingstone came to Africa, devoting himself to opening the gates of the gospel in this dark continent. Pastor Liu recalled the story of the late missionary, expressing how Dr. Livingstone loved Africa and paid great attention to the needs of the local peoples. He made several journeys deep into the continent and into the DRC, intending to spread the love of Jesus Christ. Pastor Liu also shared that, although his body was returned to England after his passing, Dr. Livingstone’s heart was buried in Africa, symbolizing his great love for the land and his empathy for Christ’s compassion on souls.

Pastor Liu emphasizes that, although the gospel is already spread in Africa, there are still many unreached lands that need the light of Jesus Christ. He called for everyone to receive God’s commission, and continue the ministry work of church planting in Africa.

Africa Missionary P. Bonzale
Africa Missionary P. Bonzale

The ROLCC has been doing mission in the DRC since October 2020. According to Pastor Liu’s sharing, Pastor Bonzale and his wife were sent from Benin to Kinshasa, and since then the church has grown from house meetings to renting their own space, with a steady increase in the number of people attending service, and has now even planted a new church. Pastor Liu gave great thanks to God to have prepared such faithful coworkers in Africa, and also for the support and prayers the brothers and sisters have given for the church missions ministry.

Lastly, Pastor Liu called for everyone to continue to be united in one heart, walking with God, and spreading the gospel to all peoples.