Phil Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty': Ted Cruz Could Restore Biblical Principles, Calls Same-Sex Marriage 'Evil' at Iowa Presidential Rally

Ted Cruz
Phil Robertson endorses Sen. Ted Cruz

"Duck Dynasty" A&E patriarch Phil Robertson, who endorsed Republican candidate Ted Cruz for president on Jan. 13, told a crowd in Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday that same-sex marriage is "evil" and "wicked." Robertson also said the United States has a "spiritual problem."

Called Cruz's star surrogate to Donald Trump's evangelical promoter Jerry Falwell Jr. in Council Bluffs at the same time, Robertson provided a case to voters that the Texas senator could restore American to biblical principles, reports CNN.

Robertson said Cruz was the only candidate who could restore the constitutional foundation of government.

"When a fellow like me looks at the landscape and sees the depravity, the perversion, redefining marriage and telling us that marriage is not between a man and a woman? Come on Iowa!" Robertson said.

"It is nonsense. It is evil. It's wicked. It's sinful," he shouted.

"They want us to swallow it, you say. We have to run this bunch out of Washington, D.C. We have to rid the earth of them. Get them out of there."

"Ted Cruz loves God, he loves James Madison and he's a strict constitutionalist. You know what Ted Cruz understands," said the reality TV celebrity.

Robertson said politicians in Washington should be replaced by "Godly" people who would "at least have God on their side."

"Cruz trusts God. Cruz trusts James Madison. That's why I trust Cruz. You know what Iowa, that trumps Trump," Robertson said.

Cruz praised Robertson, once he took the stage, and his "voice of truth," saying "God makes every one of us unique, but some are uniquer than others."

One online reader Emily Hetzler posted she felt while Robertson is free to believe as he will, "I really wish this guy, and others like him, would realize that the rest of us do not have to live under laws based on their interpretation of their religion unless we so choose."

Hetzler said there are a whole lot more pressing matters in this country than two consenting adults of various genders or orientations choosing to make their unions official under the eyes of the law, and their god(s), if they have them.

"What a voice Phil has to speak out for the love of Jesus," Cruz said. "What a joyful, cheerful, unapologetic voice of truth Phil Robertson is."