It is that time of the month again for all PlayStation Plus subscribers. Once you are done with Super Bowl LI on Sunday, it is time to take stock of the situation and look forward to the likes of free games that will be released for PlayStation Plus subscribers this coming February 7. Basically, PS4 owners will benefit the most since they are also able to enjoy the two free PS3 titles that are released each month thanks to backwards compatibility, and PS Vita gamers will also have two titles that they will be able to enjoy without having to fork out any more money. Without further ado, here is the list of games that will be released for free for the month of February 2017 where PlayStation Plus subscribers are concerned.
LittleBigPlanet 3
LittleBigPlanet 3 will certainly be the star for this month’s free games where PS Plus members are concerned. Having been touted to be one of the most imaginative games released ever on the PlayStation platform, it is chock full of excitement, adventure and platforming goodness. Once you are done exploring the magical Imagisphere, you can then show the rest of the world just how creative you are by making sure your own imagination is brought to life. Alternatively, you can let your brain rest and enjoy one of the millions of original creations that the LBP Community have come up with over the years.
Not a Hero
There is a time where anti-heros used to be popular in the comics. After all, when you have good guys with a moral code like Batman, issues crop up all the while in terms of sparing the bad guys’ lives. Not so with Not a Hero, as this particular title allows you to go around with wanton abandon via the protagonist Steve. Steve is a professional assassin who goes around cleaning up all of the riff-raff in the underworld as he wears the hat of a campaign manager for his boss, BunnyLord.
As for the Sony PS3, there would be the presence of Starwhal and Anna -- Extended Edition. PS Vita gamers will be able to enjoy Ninja Senki DX and TorqueL. Basically, out of the four titles mentioned above, three of them feature cross buy with the Sony PS4, leaving Anna -- Extended Edition out of the picture. Basically, it is starting to look as though each month will see the free games in PlayStation Plus offer more and more titles for PS4 (thanks to the cross buy feature), which could be an indirect way of informing gamers that support for the PS3 and PS Vita has since long faded.
After all, it does not look as though there are any more AAA titles that are headed in the direction of the Sony PS3 and the Sony PS Vita. It would make more sense to totally concentrate on the Sony PS4 officially, so that gamers who prefer honesty will not feel “cheated” in a sense. Perhaps in due time, we might even see releases for VR titles via PS Plus?