‘Pokémon Sun and Moon’, ‘Pokémon GO’ Release Date; How to Sign Up For Beta Testing

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Pokémon fans expected something big on the twentieth anniversary of the gaming/trading card franchise, but it was sadly not Pokémon Z.  While work might be happening on that rumored and long-awaited follow-up to Pokémon X and Y, fans can be satiated with the soon to be arrival of Pokémon Sun and Moon.  It is possible that before that will be the location based game Pokémon GO where players can hunted down Pokémon with the power of mobile GPS and Augmented Reality.  This is the latest news about Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon GO Release Date, as well as how to sign up for beta testing. 

According to the Morning Ledger, the anticipated games of Pokémon Sun and Moon will be getting a gameplay expansion, possibly two new regions, with the possibility of a region expansion.  Other new things to expect in this next Pokémon game include a new Pokémon of Magearna, as well as some new battle mechanics. 

News Every Day reports of a rumor to bring back Pokéwalker.  This is a device that allows the gamers to choose a Pokémon that they can walk around with, boosting their stats and is tracked by a Tamagotchi-like device. 

There is also a report from Tech News Today that there have been some trademarked names for the game.  We mentioned last week some other trademarked names, and how these names could have been done to throw off Pokémon fans.  For what it's worth, the report states that the starters for Pokémon Sun and Moon are Mokuroah, Nyabby, and Ashimari. 

In the meantime, Pokémon GO is developing smoothly, as shown with leaked beta footage.  Leaks are happening very plentifully as YouTube has become a place so fans can see it. 

Parent Herald states that the game developer for Pokémon GO has already let players from Japan, New Zealand, and Australia to try the beta version.  For those in the United States and Europe, Niantic will choose lucky gamers to try the Pokémon GO based on three things:  1)  real-world gaming experience  2)  OS type and 3)  Luck. 

Just to let you know, the beta testing invites for Australia and New Zealand didn't happen until recently, on April 25th.  It might be a while before Pokémon GO beta testing for the United States and other countries come out, according to Gotta Be Mobile

Those that want to get involved in the testing process need to sign up on Niantic's official website, and then those chosen will receive an email and then instructed what to do next before beta playing can occur. 

So far, it looks like the Release date for Pokémon Sun and Moon will probably drop around the Holiday Season.  As for Pokémon GO, I am still going to hold with the idea of a summer release date, because it just makes sense to release a location-based game at that time.  Also, it wouldn't make sense to release two Pokémon games at the exact same season, but that is still a theory.