Poland Officially Enthrones Jesus Christ as Its King

Bishops of Poland
Catholic Bishops of Poland Facebook

The Catholic bishops of Poland, in the presence of Polish President Andrzei Duda, held a ceremony Saturday at the Church of Divine Mercy in Krakow to officially declare that Christ is King over the country.

In the ceremony, known as the Jubilee Act of Acceptance of Jesus as the King and the Lord, they acknowledged the sovereignty and dominion of Christ over Poland and asked Him to rule the nation.

“Immortal King of Ages Lord Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, bowing our heads before You, King of the Universe, we acknowledge Thy dominion over Poland, those living in our homeland and throughout the world,” they said, according to CNS News. “Wishing to worship the majesty of Thy power and glory, with great faith and love, we cry out: Rule us, Christ!"

The bishops and the congregation asked forgiveness from their sins and for “turning away from the holy faith, for lack of love for you and others,” Breitbart News reported.

“We renounce the devil and all his works,” they declared.

Fr. Paul McDonald, writing for Rorate Caeli, said the same ceremony was repeated in all parishes and Cathedrals throughout Poland the following day, which was the feast of Christ the King.

The idea of declaring Jesus as the country’s king originated from Rosalia Zelkova, a Polish nurse who reportedly received a revelation from the Lord that Poland should officially enthrone Him as king. The revelation included specific instructions on how to go about the ceremony.

Zelkova said following what God told her would save the country from the threat of war.

Many bishops did not support the recommendation especially after the Second Vatican Council, according to McDonald, primarily because Pope John Paul II advocated for the “social right to religious liberty.” In addition, the manner in which the revelation was received was not well accepted.

“But the social kingship of our Divine Lord is absolutely founded in necessary and dogmatic truths about Christ. It is not merely an element of private revelation,” McDonald wrote. “St. Gregory the Great said that they were heretics who denied that Christ is the King of and over everything.”

The bishops and the congregation also prayed for their leaders.

“We entrust the Polish people and Polish leaders to you. Make them exercise their power fairly and in accordance with Your laws,” they said. “Rule us, Christ! Reign in our homeland and reign in every nation -- for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of mankind."