#Pray100: Church Leaders Call on Believers to Pray for Pres. Trump on His First 100 Days in Office

Bible with the American Flag
Bible with the American Flag Reuters

A coalition of evangelical and Pentecostal leaders have organized a 100-day intercessory prayer for the newly inaugurated president of the United States, Donald Trump, particularly for his first 100 days in office.

#Pray100 was launched by the As One prayer initiative, which was formed with the participation of individuals representing : David Kubal of Intercessors for America, Ed Silvoso of Harvest Evangelism, John Bornschein of National Day of Prayer, David Butts of National Prayer Committee, Paul Cedar of Mission America, Mike and Cindy Jacobs of Generals International, Lou Engle and Dutch Sheets.

“Across the nation, leaders are hearing the Lord say that the U.S. is going to experience a great awakening,” As One said on its website. Because of this, the said church leaders gathered together, “sought the Lord, strategized, and came to a consensus that God was leading them to unite and issue a national call for multiple days of fasting and prayer walking.”

With the president having an “aggressive 100 Day policy,” it is crucial for the body of believers to cover him, his policies and the government in prayer, As One said. It also emphasized the Bible’s command for Christians to intercede for those in authority so everyone can lead a quiet and peaceful life, according to 1 Timothy 2:1-3.

#Pray100 has officially started on Jan. 20 when Trump was inaugurated as president. Cindy Jacobs, covering the first 11 days, posts on her Facebook page prayer points or guides people can refer to as they pray for Trump. The points are also listed on the As One website.

On inauguration day, #Pray100 focused on praying for wisdom, protection and favor for the new president and the new vice president. The guide also asked people to pray that other world leaders would accept Trump and be willing for work with him.

“Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to them more every day and grant them everything they need to lead this nation forward,” the Jan. 20 prayer guide said. “Pray that the Lord would anoint Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence with a governmental anointing that can only come from Him—an anointing of supernatural favor, wisdom and knowledge.”

The prayer points also reminded intercessors to pray against all kinds of terrorism.

The As One prayer initiative seeks to unite believers in Christ and appeal to heaven “to change the spiritual climate of our nation.” As previously mentioned, it hopes to achieve this objective by urging believers to pray, fast, hold corporate prayer meetings and do prayer walks.

Do you want to pray for Pres. Trump and the U.S. government? You can join #Pray100 by signing up at the link provided on the As One website.