Rafael Cruz, Ted Cruz’s Pastor Father, Warns ‘New Religion' Capturing, Degrading America

Rafael Cruz
Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, warns of the religion he believes is taking over and destroying the United States: secular humanism.  Rafael Cruz

America's moral fiber is being attacked and "people who have been the background of America" have been divorced from the political process, believes one Christian preacher and public speaker, who currently has a son smack in the public spotlight. Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, warns that a new religion is taking over and destroying the United States. "Our foundations have been eroded by secular humanism," he said.

Cruz appeared on "Line of Fire" radio Wednesday, telling host Michael Brown he feared a new religion of secular humanism was going to wipe out the character of America.

"By just destroying the family, by basically the moral values that have made America great have been practically destroyed and we have secularized America and the new religion of America is secular humanism."

The Council for Secular Humanism website describes itself as "nonreligious, espousing no belief in a realm or beings imagined to transcend ordinary experience."

Cruz insisted he is not for imposing a theocracy, but does want to see American values restored.

"The Bible says, 'If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?'" he said.

However, things were not always so clear to Rafael Cruz, who had to face some questionable situations in his own past. It is no secret that in December 1974, Cruz, who was a businessman in the oil industry in Canada at the time and was struggling with deep alcohol issues, left his wife and 3-year-old son, Ted, to go Houston, Texas, and continue his life there without his family, reports Christian Post.

Cruz, the author of the new book, A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America, detailed to Brown on Friday how he was led to Christ during his time in Houston. 

Cruz said more than 50 percent of Evangelicals are not voting, so "a large percentage of the population have been absent from the process."

"We need everyone who has a desire to see America restored to become involved," suggested the pastor.

"Because if you're not involved, you don't have the right to complain. You become part of the problem, instead of part of the solution."

He also suggested that children are being "brain-washed" through Common Core teachings, values clarification and situational ethics.

"We need to go back to those principles we know work," said Cruz, who reminds that America has been the bastion of freedom for 200 years.

One online poster, identified as Akira625, responded with to Cruz's concepts with, "Except that secularism IS a part of the foundation of America, as the founding fathers designed it to be, they were largely wary of people like Cruz."

Another person online, nontheistdavid, agreed that "It was secular the minute the founding fathers signed the constitution."

The elder Cruz has been described by various media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, as an acting surrogate in his son's political campaigns.