Rock Band 4 Multiplayer Expansion Pack Release Date and Updates: Destiny and World of Warcraft-Inspired Online Multiplayer and DLC Coming

Rock Band 4
Latest on Rock Band 4's first DLC

Even though Rock Band 5 would not become available very soon, game developer Harmonix announced the future updates for Rock Band 4. Speaking at a PAX East panel, Harmonix officials revealed that there would be an online multiplayer option this winter and a new downloadable content this fall.

Now, here's the latest round-up of update about Rock Band 4 DLC release date and rumors on the web.

One of the upcoming additions in Rock Band 4 is synchronous online multiplayer mode. Many gamers were disappointed with the lack of online multiplayer option since Rock Band 3 had that feature. In a Harmonix panel at PAX EAST 2016, GameSpot reported the crowd went wild when this new addition was announced.

"[We] want a more fluid process for choosing songs together as a band (you all know that one person who would pick a song before you had the chance)," Harmonix community manager Criss Burki wrote in a PlayStation Blog post.

Furthermore, Harmonix announced the first downloadable content of the game would be coming this fall. Also, the expansion pack will bring music library improvements and new song filter options. The developer will give more details about Rock Band 4's first DLC on June's E3 Conference.

Community lead Josh Harrison said the forthcoming expansion contains many new surprises. He also said that the add-ons are inspired from Destiny and World of Warcraft games.

Furthermore, an adapter will be available for Xbox One version of Rock Band 4, which will allow players to use Ion drums. The game's PlayStation 4 version already supports Ion drums. This adapter will be released this fall together with Rock Band's first DLC.

There's also a practice mode that's coming in June, according to Rock Band's official Twitter account. This feature will help players to become familiarize with some of the difficult songs in the game. Also, there will be an option to slow down the speed of songs.

Next month, Gearbox Software and Harmonix are set to introduce two new characters in Rock Band 4. These new playable characters are Thorn and Miko from the first-person shooter Battleborn. However, its exact release date on May was not revealed.

While waiting for the new updates, Harmonix said that new DLC tracks would be coming this week. The new songs are "What I Like About You" by The Romantics, "Redneck" by Lamb of God, and "Dope Nose" by Weezer. Interestingly, there are also DLC songs coming to Rock Band in May, though specific details have not yet announced.

Stay tuned to Gospel Herald for more updates.