Samsung Galaxy Note 6 Rumors, Specs, Release Date: New Gadget Set To Launch at MWC or Q3 of 2016

Samsung devices
Samsung Galaxy Note 6 rumors

Samsung is known as one of the best-selling brands in the world. The South Korean tech giant has never failed deliver to new and powerful gadgets every year. The company said Galaxy note 6 is set to outlast its predecessors.

Here's what we so far about iSamsung Galaxy Note 6's specs, release date and rumors.

Many people are enjoying the recently launch Galaxy Note 5, but die-hard Samsung users are wondering what Note 6 would look like. Online reports said the latest Samsung gadget could hit the market in 2016, in time of Europe's biggest tech show IFA, according to Latinos Health report.

There are also reports that say the device could be unveiled at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2016 in Barcelona this coming March.

However, it is interesting to note that Samsung normally launches their devices during the third quarter of the year. If the company would follow that timeline for Galaxy note 6, expect the device on autumn 2016.

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 was launched in fall, just in time for the Christmas season, giving people an idea on what to give for the celebration.

As for the specs of the device, Slash Gear gave some interesting details. It is believed that Galaxy Note 6 will boast a 4K screen resolution, which becomes an increasingly mainstream technology.  Moreover, the phone could have a curved screen version for better display. Android users also hope that Note 6 will have a bigger screen than Note 5.

In the age of selfies, camera becomes increasingly important in smartphones. The upcoming Galaxy note is set to house a top-of-the-class camera technology. The device is predicted to have a 30 Megapixel primary on the rear, and a 16 Megapixel secondary on the front. It could also allow users to shoot 360-degree videos in 4K resolution.

According to Latinos Post, Samsung note 6 will be powered with a 16-core processor clocked at 3.1GHz. It is will also house a Snapdragon and Exynos chipset, along with 8GB of RAM that would give less chance for the gadget to freeze.

Another huge upgrade of the device is the faster charging time, which is set to have 5-minute battery recovery.  Devices with a USB-C port can charge much faster compared to those that have the micro USB. Faster charging time lets phone users have more battery life in lesser amount of time.