Scarlett Johansson has disclosed her crusade for women's rights on more than one occasion; ironically, she fails to see that her presumed support only continues to betray, hurt, and destroy women. While she calls Planned Parenthood and the "right" to abortion "invaluable work," she is advocating the potential destruction of their souls---and the definite destruction of their bodies.
During this year's Women's March for Washington, the 32-year-old actress revealed that her first Planned Parenthood encounter came at age 15, when her mother approached her about seeing a gynecologist:
“I was living in New York City and had visited a Planned Parenthood there. It was actually my clinician at Planned Parenthood who suggested I speak with my pediatrician if I was seeking a referral. She was compassionate and professional and told me she was happy to treat me for regular checkups, and when the time came, for STD and cancer screenings. No judgment. No questions asked. Planned Parenthood provided a safe place where I could be treated with gentle guidance.”
Every girlfriend she has, Johannsson offers, is also an advocate of the company's "services." Which is why, in part, she addressed President Trump's obligation to support women:
"President Trump, I did not vote for you. That said, I respect that you are our president-elect and I want to be able to support you. But first I ask that you support me, support my sister, support my mother. Support my daughter who may actually, as a result of the appointments you have made, grow up in a country that is moving backwards, not forwards, and who may potentially not have the right to make choices for her body and her future that your daughter Ivanka has been privileged to have.”
"Ickiness" is the only reason anyone would have a problem with Planned Parenthood, the young actress notes. However, such initial distaste should be overcome by the conviction that a woman's "choice" is also her "right":
"A women’s right to choose is a deeply personal one and should not be a part of anyone’s political platform."
Scarlett concludes in the right philosophy, but the wrong context:
"It [abortion] has nothing to do with politics in the slightest. It is about honoring and respecting women and upholding the law. It is time we all stand united so this conversation is taken off the ballot, so to speak, and out of the mouths of politicians.”
Fellow actor Robert Downey, Jr., among others, has praised Johannsson as a "true ambassador for women's health initiatives." Abortion is, indeed, not a political subject, but a moral one. What a shame that the actress fails to recognize that choice by nature necessitates morality---and that a sense of legality must be measured by the Word of God.