Skip Vaccarello, Author of 'Finding God In Silicon Valley,' Shares How God is 'Really Moving' In the Region

Silicon Valley
Skip Vaccarello discuses his new book, ''Finding God in Silicon Valley,'' at the Silicon Valley Prayer Breakfast held on April 1, 2016 in Santa Clara, California. (Photo: The Gospel Herald)

Speaking at the 22nd annual Silicon Valley Prayer Breakfast, Skip Vaccarello, author of "Finding God in Silicon Valley" and 30-year veteran of the tech industry, revealed that he believes God is working like never before in the rapidly-growing area.

During a Q&A session held at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara, CA on April 1st, Vaccarello, who also chairs the event, shared what inspired him to write his book.

"I came to faith in 1986, and it became the most important thing in my life," he said. "I went back to a Harvard [University] reunion in 1996, and at that reunion, a breakout session of Christians got together...and we were given a book called 'Finding God at Harvard.' And the author ... shared stories of people of some intelligence who also had faith in God. It gave me the inspiration to put together the book, 'Finding God in Silicon Valley' because just like 'God' and 'Harvard' doesn't seem to fit together, 'God' and 'Silicon Valley' also doesn't seem to fit together."

The book, published in October 2015, includes interviews with 27 committed followers of Christ, including Pat Gelsinger, CEO of VMWare, a multi-billion dollar software company, Paul Ely, former top executive at Hewlett-Packard, and other successful businessmen, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and scientists.

When asked what surprises he discovered while interviewing various individuals for his book, Vaccarello highlighted three specific things: "In the last four years or so, I've seen a movement of God in Silicon Valley that I hadn't seen before - there are new churches being planted...churches are expanding...God is really moving, that was a surprise."

He added, "Second, I came across a number of young entrepreneurs who are building their businesses to glorify Christ - I didn't expect that...It was very encouraging to see that."

He continued: "Third, I've seen God bringing people into this area...who make interesting comments, and that is, where they come from, whether it's the Midwest or the South, being a Christian is part of the culture, whereas it certainly isn't' there. But what they've found is the followers of Christ that they've met here tend to be more committed and more surrendered to Christ."

Vaccarello, who revealed he plans on writing another book in the upcoming months, shares additional testimonies and stories of how God is working in Silicon Valley on his website.

In a 2015 interview with The Gospel Herald, Vaccarello encouraged Christians to not only take advantage of opportunities to share the Gospel but to be proactive in living out their personal faith.

"Live out your faith day to day and to invest the time it takes to get to know your friends and neighbors who are not believers," he said. "When the opportunities arise, share the hope that you have in Christ. For those of us in Silicon Valley, just think how the country and world would respond if Silicon Valley becomes not only known as a place of technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and wealth, but a place of God. It would have a tremendous impact. I am hopeful that this could happen. I see the beginnings. As you know, with God all things are possible."