Die-hard fans of Star Wars across the globe eagerly anticipated the release of the new 'Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens' trailer. Now, every trailer and teaser of the latest sequel from this hugely successful George Lucas franchise only adds to the hype as fans could not get enough of them and are on the edge of their seats awaiting for the December showing of the seventh Star Wars installment.
On May 4th (May the fourth be with you day for Star Wars fans), YouTube gaming channel Noober Goober Gaming released a trailer recreating Star Wars: The Force Awakens in a short 16-bit graphics, said GameNGuide.
According to the web site, the shot-for-shot remake allows long time fans of the series to recognize all of the scenes from the original trailer. It said that while the 16-bit graphics are not as colorful and flashy as the original trailer, it provides awesome entertainment for fans and described it as well made.
It is also expected to give nerdgasm to old school nerds who love 8-bit and 16-bit games, said Movieplot.com.
According to GameNGuide, the 16-bit trailer laid over the narration from the original trailer, providing an interesting twist as it somewhat clashed with the low resolution visuals.
But Blastr.com said Noober Goober Gaming could have done better with their 16-bit remake stating that Han Solo and Chewbacca were hardly recognizable. Overall, the web site congratulated the gaming channel for doing a good job in re-creating the Star Wars trailer.
JJ Abrams Sees Jar Jar Binks Death in Star Wars: The Force Awakens
In related news, Star Wars: The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams revealed in an interview with Vanity Fair that he was considering killing off Jar Jar Binks, the jabbering Gungan, from the new Star Wars movie. Jar Jar Binks is voted one of the most hated movie characters of all time and Star Wars fans want him out of the series.
"I have a thought about putting Jar Jar Binks's bones in the desert there," he was quoted as saying. Abrams continued, "I'm serious! Only three people will notice, but they'll love it."
Jar Jar Binks was introduced in The Phantom Menace released in 1999 where his character played a major role. He appeared briefly in 2002's Attack of the Clones and 2005's Revenge of the Sith. Lucas introduced the character of Jar Jay Binks, a clumsy alien from the plane of Naboo as a comic relief for the movie and to provide entertainment to young fans of the franchise.
Abrams also said that he had made several specific Star Wars references "that are kind of my own little stupid, secret ones". The references are aimed at prioritizing the story flow instead of adding obvious elements from past Star Wars movies.
Abrams told Vanity Fair, "What I realized early on was it was all about point of view - meaning it's not like you just objectively throw in a star field or a spaceship or a desert planet or whatever the thing. The question is, who is that person in that experience? Why does it matter to them? What are they desperate for, or afraid of?"
He went on to say, "That, to me, has been the constant struggle: to make sure that none of these things are treated like either they're a museum piece and we're trying to honour them, or they're gratuitous and thrown in because, well, it's a Star Wars movie, so you've got to put these things in. Everything has got to be essential to the characters in the film."