Steam Autumn and Winter 2016 Sale, Dates; Black Friday Predictions

Latest on this year's Steam Summer Sale

It is always nice to know that you are able to pick up a bargain on a particular product simply because you had the uncanny ability to sniff out a special deal, or perhaps have played your patience card just right. Whatever it is, Steam always has offered sales for its games in the Summer, Autumn, and Winter, with its Summer sales arriving with legendary discounts on hot titles that have captured the imagination of the masses. Well, with the holiday season coming up, you know for sure that video games will continue to be a hot commodity, it is just that there are different consoles and game genres that appeal to various people, although Steam has a fair number of games that are pretty much universal in their appeal. Gaming enthusiasts would also look forward to the Black Friday 2016 Steam Sales, where you will be able to check out the countdown timer here. Also referred to as the Steam Autumn sale, we look forward to it with anticipation.

Basically, if you somehow managed to miss out on the Steam Halloween sale that was held in October, fret not. There is the Black Friday 2016 sale in which you are able to look forward to. Well, Steam gamers have for a long time now enjoying various treats that Valve Corporation has offered, where the sale will often last for an entire week. This allows you to have some time to mull over the decision, as to whether it is worth your time and money to pick up that particular title. Alternatively, you will be able to adopt a wait and see attitude, having some of your friends pick up the game via the sale and judging their response, before you take the plunge yourself.

Normally, Valve would introduce its holiday sales right before the actual holiday, where the Autumn sale would last for approximately a week, with the Winter sale ending right after we are into the next year. So far, dates for both the Autumn and Winter sales have been leaked. These sale dates were allegedly leaked by a Twitter user known as lashman, who has often given more hits than misses in terms of rumors and leaks, especially when it comes to things that are connected to Steam.

In the tweet, it read, “Not that it’s unexpected or news really, but here are the dates for the next 2 steam sales. You’re welcome.” Just what are the alleged leaked dates? Only one way to find out whether they are correct or not -- through the good old fashioned virtue of patience. The Autumn Sale is set to kick off this November 23 at 12:50 PM ET and runs all the way through to November 29 at 1:10 PM ET. If you are interested in the Winter sale, or have missed the Autumn sale, then there is the December 22 to look forward to as it kicks off at 12:50 PM ET, going all the way through to January 2, 2017, at 1:10 PM ET. Of course, we will simply wait for the official announcement to come about.